Oklahoma Tornado Damage Relief


Metal from the Heartland
Jun 28, 2007
Topeka, KS
Hi all:

Many of my fans and friends are in Oklahoma, and to try and help with the terrible devastation I am trying to raise some money for the OK Red Cross through the weekend. I am selling a few different versions of my cd "Promises and Lies" with all profits going to help the community down there.

I could use your help in either going to my website http://www.johnnylokkeband.com/ and making a purchase yourself (all the details are right on the front page) or at least posting the link on your facebook/twitter/other social media pages to help spread the word.

It was a horrible tragedy (especially watching that elementary school get hit) and I'd love to be able to help out, so any help and support you can provide would be awesome.

Thanks to all.