OL documentry will be played on TV & Tel Aviv cinematec


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
The Orphaned Land documetry film about their return and 2001 performance in turkey was bought by "Noga" prod. and channel 8 (Israeli science and culture channel) and will be showne on cable TV and Tel aviv Cinema
The cinema will play the film twice: on frieday - 03.09 and again a week later on frieday 10.09
A ticket will cost about 20 israeli Shekels (which is something like 4$)
Can someone nice enough record it, compress it to .avi format, dub it in english, put it on the net and iron my undies while I'm watching it ?
We hope the company will sell the movie to more countries cause I think it's amaizing!!
We will need to arrainge sub titles, I will do my best so all of you will get the chance to see it as well :)
Folklore said:
The Orphaned Land documetry film about their return and 2001 performance in turkey was bought by "Noga" prod. and channel 8 (Israeli science and culture channel) and will be showne on cable TV and Tel aviv Cinema
The cinema will play the film twice: on frieday - 03.09 and again a week later on frieday 10.09
A ticket will cost about 20 israeli Shekels (which is something like 4$)

i'm there :hotjump: