Ola's Feared Bi-reamp test / Rectifier + 5150


Jun 20, 2007

So i just wanted to try out my new Rectifier since i wont be doing any metal recordings in a month or two. Thank you Ola for providing the DI's.

Except for the overpowering bass, my bad hehe.. I think it ended up pretty good. although my main concern is that it took quite a some eq'ing to get them sounding decent which im not used to, they are a bit nasal. That got me thinking what Gabriel wrote in another thread that once he switched from the 003 (which i have) to another interface his reamps sounded way better. Because the last 2 recordings i've done i have been superhappy with the guitars and they needed practically no eq (just 1-2db's)

Well here is the file:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12967127/Feared Reamp 2.mp3

And here is another version with less bass and less treble on guitars:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12967127/Feared Reamp 3.mp3

Any comments are appreciated!

/ Christian
Damn man, I really need to practice micing cabs more because that chunk that you guys get is still eluding me. Sounds great!