"Olat Ha'tamid" and the hebrew lyrics of "Vayehi Or" in latin alphabet


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2011
hello! I am here to share with you my friends the lyrics of OLAT HA'TAMID and VAYEHI OR transliterated into the Latin alphabet.

The lyrics of Olat Ha'tamid was easier because the original lyrics in hebrew characters which is the Orphaned Land official site have diacritics. Vayehi Or was a more complicated, but I got it! HAHA

is here:

"Olat Ha'tamid

Shofet kol ha’arets veota be’mishpat ya’amid
Na ḥayim va’ḥesed al am ani tatsemid
Ve'et tefilat ha’shaḥar bimekom olah tamid
Olat ha’boqer asher le’Olat Ha’tamid

Mate kelape ḥesed le’hatot ish litehia
Amena hate le’ḥesed gemal na alayv veḥaya
Ketov tav ḥayim vehaya al mitseḥo tamid
Olat ha’boqer asher le’Olat Ha’tamid"
"Vayehi Or

Goel shavur vaesh mistor
Lahav ḥarbo mabat eno tohor

Kamohu baḥoshek maheliḥim en spor
Tekvot libam aḥat Hi-Vayehi Or"

(ḥ = ח, het, and כ, khaf without diacritic, voiceless uvular fricative - like german "ch")

so, brothers, who have corrections (or other versions)... put! :) :goggly: hehe

*I'm still uncertain about the words: "tatsemid", "ḥarbo", "baḥoshek" and "maheliḥim".