old katatonia videos

I have a copy of that gig but it's really shitty. Very dark, very blurry and you can hardly recognize the musicians. I suspect if you manage to get a copy of that gig it won't be much better. Do yourself a favour and save the money.
i won´t share it on audiogalaxy since i think it´s for real fans of the old katatonia only but if you´d like to have it i can make a cd-r for you and i´m pretty sure we can do a little cd-r trade then..
sound quality is not perfect of course but really good, i like it very much that way and some of the songs (5 in total) are in slightly different versions then on the official releases (sometimes even better!!!) just let me know

I have the Paris bootleg, but the sound quality ain't brilliant, does anyone know the correct order in which the tracks were played?

@norghash: I would love to trade CD-R's, but my burner's fucked up... Will probably get a full-blast new PC later this year.

What 5 song do they play?

@the_joy_of_grief: you move around a lot? First you were from Nijmegen, Holland, then you "moved" to the friggin' Falkland Islands (??!) and now you're in Germany, what's with it :confused:
@the_joy_of_grief: you move around a lot? First you were from Nijmegen, Holland, then you "moved" to the friggin' Falkland Islands (??!) and now you're in Germany

I get bored by my profile very quickly so need a new location and a new avatar every now and then.

What's wrong with the Falkland Island? :p

Ik ben in de hele wereld thuis! :D
i have katatonia live in dublin and also live in paris from the opeth tour last year... fairly good quality, audio on cd. i'll trade/ sell them no problem. I also have a cd with some older live recordings on it, though it's poor quality.. shades of emerald fields is on it live from somewhere, and i know one or 2 more older songs are on it live too, but poor enough quality...

Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
I get bored by my profile very quickly so need a new location and a new avatar every now and then.

What's wrong with the Falkland Island? :p

Ik ben in de hele wereld thuis! :D
Ahh, nu begrijp ik het, je echte location is dus wel degelijk Nijmegen, niet? Nederland in ieder geval... :)
Ahh, nu begrijp ik het, je echte location is dus wel degelijk Nijmegen, niet? Nederland in ieder geval...

Nee, ik woon in Berlijn...:D Maar ik spreek een beetje Nederlands omdat ik al vijf keer in Nederland en een keer in Suriname ben geweest. Als ik op reis ben moet ik altijd het taal van het land leren, dus ook het Nederlands. Ik ben gek:lol:
November Paul-
I'd like to know about this video you mention. I saw one like it similiar on ebay, but also there was also a post here regarding that it wasn't Mikael/Opeth singing and it was bad quality etc. from someone else who had it.

So are you positive it's Mikael singing? Or did someone just tell you that on a listing? I wonder did he even do any gigs with them? (Anders/Jonas care to fill in the blank?) I was under the impression he just filled in the studio/recording.

I was still interested in getting if it's Anders singing too, unless it's such a bad quality tape that it's pointless. So, any details (from anyone) is appreciated.
Well i think that once Anders said that Mikael helped on some live shows, so it's probable that on that video it's really Mikael who's singing.
I have some old videos from the 1996 tour with Anders on vocals, and other two from 1993 and 1994, but actually the latter are of such a bad quality that I can't distinguish the line up.
I would be interested in old videos where Jonas appears ( i don't know if he has ever done the vocals or if he used to play drums...).