old school forum characters

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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when reading posts here, don't you ever make little voices in your mind for each poster, or imagine how a poster looks, even if it could be totally inaccurate.

example: I imagine drillsargeant to speak like zetro souza.

ex. 2 : I imagine sixxswine to be a 35 year old white guy dressed in a sargeant d uniform without the mask.

hey , this is a great thread for disclaimers! :)
Ha ha ha yep I do it all of the time. It is a trip when you see the pictures of the posters for the first time or meet them in life even more. Of course I have my picture as my avatar, but it's not very big or clear. That's a handsome guy in that picture but I chose it over bunches and bunches of ugly pix of me. Ha ha ha

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha yep I do it all of the time. It is a trip when you see the pictures of the posters for the first time or meet them in life even more. Of course I have my picture as my avatar, but it's not very big or clear. That's a handsome guy in that picture but I chose it over bunches and bunches of ugly pix of me. Ha ha ha

Is it just me or do you look somewhat like Robert Plant? :err:
Ayeka said:
Is it just me or do you look somewhat like Robert Plant? :err:
I look more like Vito Bratta or Jeff Goldblum with long hair. I have big bug eyes like Goldblum and a fairly big nose and am about 6'1" 190. Don't get me wrong.... I am much more handsome than Goldblum Ha ha ha, but I don't make his money. : /

Bryant bears striking resemblence to Yngwie J. Malmsteen in my opinion....from the photo at least...now Me, it's not good. I've been told on more than one occasion by different people that I look like John Goodman and/or Andy Richter. The sad thing is, IT'S TRUE!
Yes we all make a mental image about our fellow posters. In another forum I post a pic of me and people start to say I looked like Rob Halford...stil don't know if it was because I'm bald or I look gay o_O
The saYer said:
example: I imagine drillsargeant to speak like zetro souza.
:D :D :D LOL This is definitely the coolest thread ever! Man, me speaking with Zetro's voice, hahahaha. Well, actually I've never heard him speak. But if his speaking voice is similar to his singing one then you're... no, wait a second. I won't tell. Not yet. Do me a favor and go on with that. Come on, make us all laugh and let your imagination take over. Tell us more about the "people in your head". :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
funny but i always assumed that you looked like dee snyder sarge!
any of you guys want to see my ugly mush,you know where to go.most of you know what i sound like when i sing too-theres little mystery about me for you huh?
no point sayin i've got a talking voice like chuck billy at the start of envy life and a packet like john holmes eh?lol.
bryant,i thought that was a picture of chastaine too until you mentioned in a post that you looked like jeff goldblum,the i realised the pic was you!which guitar is it your holdin?
ok, I imagine baldyboy and greeno being halford clones that look exactly alike, except that they have a white shirt on.

I imagine johnnyD being the singer from chob (by trying to make out his picture).

I imagine the trooper looking exactly like the trooper.

ummmm... let me go see who else posts. give me a sec.
ok, I'm back from my trip.

murai talks like a power ranger

wyvern is forever in a curled up position

psychonaut is an astronaut out in space talking to earth in his posts and he has green and red facepaint on.

let me go check out some more.
back again

oh, yeah, drillsargeant has patton's uniform.

destruction is a small schmier

tedvan is always in a 500$ suit.

If you are in any way offended by the above posts, it is just a coincidence that the same thing that offends you just came up in my imagination. All rights reserved and so on.
I look like Vinnie Vincent in my photo but that's only because I'm wearing his makeup hahaha! But now my hair is dyed blonde and I usually get told that I look like Taime Downe or sometimes even Bret Michaels, which is a great compliment to me coz they are both idols of mine haha!

I picture Greeno to be one of the really true old metallers you see at gigs with the black jeans and denim jacket covered in old '80s metal patches, and maybe an old British Steel shirt or something! :) (I have one of those jackets myself actually but it mainly has glam patches haha)

TedVanFrehley I imagine to be a "businessman by day, rocker by night" character, like alot of the dudes at Kiss conventions and stuff! Maybe used to have long hair but had to cut it short for work, goes out with work mates at night in his favourite Kiss shirt and a denim jacket, sings along to all his favourite old Kiss classics with a few beers!

And sixxswine I picture as being a big tough "take no shit" kinda metal dude with a southern accent!
The Trooper sounds like an australian with a raspy but gentle voice

Sixxswine sounds like Regis Philbin

Jonny D..well..before i actually got to hear his voice, i imagined him to sound like Bill and Ted.

TheSaYer.....a british accent. Why? I have no clue.

Drill Sergant....definately Brian Johnson.

TedVan Frehley sounds like a normal person, maybe with a nasally tone to it, i dunno why.

Greeno...one of those loud guys at concerts who are never seen without a beer in their hand.

If any one is offended.......blame TheSaYer, it's his thread!
Wicked Child said:
Greeno...one of those loud guys at concerts who are never seen with a beer in their hand.

Damn, am I that obnoxious on this brd? :) You meant "without" a beer in my hand right. :) In real life I'm more of a quiet kinda guy so maybe that's why when I got on this brd I go crazy at times. :)

I kinda have images in my head of some of the guys around here...

Ted - I also see Ted as being more of a professional type guy with the nice suite and all, but after work he's cranking King Diamond in the car on the way home.

Hawk - Hawk just reminds me of all of the cool teachers I ever had. So I see all of those old teachers in my mind when I read his posts.

Trooper - Trooper reminds me of these 2 young kids I know who are both around 20 years old but know their shit (musically). They impress the hell out of me when they bring up some old punk or metal band that other people their age would'nt have a clue about. So in my mind he looks like a cross between them.
Wicked Child said:
Sixxswine sounds like Regis Philbin
I'm sorry Sixx but :tickled: :tickled: :tickled: I never thought about it like that before ... Sixx prolly isnt half as irratating ofcourse if ya get the bastard going he can piss ya right off :p hahaha

Wicked Child said:
Jonny D..well..before i actually got to hear his voice, i imagined him to sound like Bill and Ted.
Dude thats funny when I was like 13 Bill and Ted were gods :p I can totally still talk like em Dude :D

If I try to explain what yall sound like in my head my brain might explode but Needless to say this is one of the coolest threads I have seen in a long time :headbang: Good Job saYer

Greeno said:
Hawk - Hawk just reminds me of all of the cool teachers I ever had. So I see all of those old teachers in my mind when I read his posts.
Dude you got that one right on the money I always liked my History teachers lol its the only thing I did well in
he he baldyboy halford clone how wrong can you be he he
this is becouse i work with bladyboy or shoud i say work for
and he s just a pup in life
i am an old bastard at at 35 i think :erk:
I picture the Swine always typing on here with aviator sunglasses on and a gnarled stump of a cigar clenched between his teeth.

Bryant I always pictured as his picture.

Greeno I first read as Greedo, who was a green alien in the first Star Wars movie who got smoked in the cantina. Therefore, I picture him as such.

I always pictured The Trooper as his pic.

The saYer I picture close to his avatar, like a hydralisk from the Starcraft series. (you asked!)

Gotta work on the other ones...