Old School Thrashy Metal


Dec 15, 2007
So I tracked a very young metal band (15 -17yr olds) and just started doing their mix... It's very old school Metallica-ish both musically and vocally including the Hetfield cheese... Just trying to get a feel for what direction I want to take it in... It's kinda is in between an old school and more modern vibe sound wise at the moment... Any suggestions??

Put some reverb on the snare(At least make it a bit roomy.), and remove the EQ you seem to have on the vocals, because they are so far back in mix.
Loved the mix other then that. :)
where is TEH BASS? There is like no low-end!

Maybe muddy up the kicks more, so there is more OOMPFH, and less TICK

Guitars are good, and vocals sound neat. Good job! Acoustic drums?
At the end of the song........... Die, By My Hand, I Sweep Across The Land.... Guitars are too middy.

LOL, I knew I recognized the melody there. Guitars could use something more.

where is TEH BASS? There is like no low-end!

I can hear the bass but it has no attack or definition. It's just kinda there.
hahaha yea those vocal melodies are just blantantly ripped off... I agree that the bass needs a lot more definition I didnt get much time to work with it yet... I'm still up in the air about the kick sound... They were children of bodom fans so I tried to get a little more clickyness to it... Not really my cup of tea... As for the guitars I like them musical mids... Could probably use a tad bit of cutting though, we shall seee ;) thanks for the advice fellers...
i'm through shitty earbuds right now, but yeah, bass guitar is kinda missing (a problem I always have though). doesn't andy use crappy headphones to check bass? thought I read that somewhere on here.

the 6-string guitars sound cool to me. I like the tone.

yeah, I started thinking "die, by my hand" as well. could be worse things I guess.
Don't worry about the bass. People on this board are all downtuners and expect everything to be a syth sounding, 7 stringed doom slab of perfection.

Old school thrash is about buzzsaw standard tuned guitars. I loved it. Just get it mastered by a pro. They will probably even it up and make it sound bigger. The mix is fine.
haha yea no I hear them on the bass... It could you some more definition but it was a piece of shit ibanez copy bass with old as balls strings soo there is only soo much definition I can EQ in... But I will work on that a little more... But everything is standard tuned and I recorded the guitars with a 5150 w/TS boost and a good deal of mids to give everything more cut and bite... That's the one thing I've always disliked about alot of metal productions is the mid scooped guitars... There def is a balance that can be made... Either way Ill post up the final mix when I get back into the studio to finish up the rest of the track... Thanks for all the feedback
Don't worry about the bass. People on this board are all downtuners and expect everything to be a syth sounding, 7 stringed doom slab of perfection.

Not 100% true for ALL people on this board...

I do use 7 strings myself though :lol:

Old school thrash is about buzzsaw standard tuned guitars. I loved it. Just get it mastered by a pro. They will probably even it up and make it sound bigger. The mix is fine.

Old school thrash is indeed, about buzzsaw guitars. I think the guitar tone on this is recording awesome.

A mastering engineer could possibly help even the bass up.