Click HereSSJ4SephirothX said:You know, whoever made that and wanted it to be as if we created something as stupid like that, you would think that they would have enough competance to realize that we don't spell the word 'neighbor' like European English speakers do.
BloodyScalpel said:Can't you take a joke? What are you? a republican? Geez
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:No not even dude, the queen has little to no power and im pretty sure I dont see Tony Blair telling us what to do ever.
BloodyScalpel said:
Who can beat this one?
It's priceless!
whoa dude, your far off, Im talking about your friendly but backwards neighbours to the north.SSJ4SephirothX said:Tony Blair doesn't run Europe, just the U.K. I'm talking about Europe. There is more to Europe than the United Kingdom including France.
-|Testament|- said:hush. fight is bad. humor is good. just take it as a joke and get over it.
Nah she's coolBryan_Of_Bodom said:@Testament unfortunately your postcount is too low, all of your posts will be barred until you reach atleast 100