Older Saxon CD's not available in America?


New Metal Member
Jun 4, 2005
First time poster here
My question to everyone is this:

In the music stores in my area, it seems that the only Saxon CD's that are available are the one's from the 2000's

Does anyone know if any older Saxon CD's (like from the 1980's) are available in the U.S?
Hi yeah Groopdog and welcome were abouts in the US do you live? I don't seem to have any trouble finding the older albums were I am at, in fact I have been finding alot them as a double back to back on one CD like... I have WOS and SAOTL on a back to back CD

GProopdog said:
First time poster here
My question to everyone is this:

In the music stores in my area, it seems that the only Saxon CD's that are available are the one's from the 2000's

Does anyone know if any older Saxon CD's (like from the 1980's) are available in the U.S?
Hello .!!!
& Welcome . really what *RicknRoll mentioned.,
need to know the area that you are searching .
I'm from the mid-west . I have many places that
carry Saxon CDs . BestBuy,CD Connection . And
a 2nd hand store www.secondtimearound.com
CHEERS & Good-Luck !
Hello .!!!
& Welcome . really what *RicknRoll mentioned.,
need to know the area that you are searching .
I'm from the mid-west . I have many places that
carry Saxon CDs . BestBuy,CD Connection . And
a 2nd hand store www.secondtimearound.com
CHEERS & Good-Luck !

I'm from New York, just to answer your above question.
Welcome, Mr Bigtomie and Mr Dog!
Like RicknRoll said, you can get most of the early Saxon stuff in double packs these days!
The shop sites mentioned are very good and safe. I've got loads of stuff from most of them withoug any problems!
Although, I've never visited secondtimearound and will be checking them out now - cheers Bigtomie!!

Good luck with your Saxon Buys and keep posting!!
I find that to be odd, being that you live on east coast alot closer to Europe then us on the west coast, but then again I remember trying to get a CD or album by Riot back in the day and it was hard to find them over here.

I know there's got to be a Tower records in NY some were

I buy alot of my stuff by cruising the used record & CD stores were I am, for example I found a good copy of the Power & the Glory at place were I live called CD exchange