Oldest still-angry-sounding metal singer?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
OK...I was listening to the radio in the car yesterday & Metalickadicka's song "One" came on. Not sure why, but I started to think about how much angrier (and sincere too) Hetfield's singing sounded back then...not so much specifically that song, but also in general in their earlier catalog. Then I got to thinking how much a metal singer's vocal delivery changes with age...more so after commercial/financial success. What used to sound like anger/angst in their voices, which is what initially drew in the fans, now sounds pussy in comparison. Obviously it must be harder to sound angry when you're living the good life, and I can understand that. Unfortunately, IMO, the songs usually suffer because of it, but oh well...that's why the young overtake the old. ;)

Anyway, this brings me to the question...who do you guys think is the oldest metal singer that still sounds sincerely angry/pissed in his vocal delivery? Not necessarily on every new song, but just somewhat consistently.

I really can't think of anyone 40+ except for maybe Tom Araya. Although even his vocals don't sound as sincere as they used to.
Well im not sure it's evil, but Mark Shelton has gotten a much heavier voice since the beginnings of Manilla Road. There's really no other thrash bands that have been around to compare old Metallica too so can't think of any :lol:
I think Hetfield's change came at the expense of vocal lessons. I remember reading that had he kept up with the screaming, he'd destroy his voice. So he started singing more as opposed to his angry snarl.
Hey now, don't be dissin the squirrelies. They're intelligent creatures, but they're no match for firearms. The Hairy Man is probably a better match for firearms. :heh:

Btw, why is Glen Benton pissed off at intelligent creatures? :p
the story goes, Glen was being interviewed by some magazine at his house and this squirrel came out of his attic. he told the interviewer to hold on a sec while he went and got his rifle. when the squirrel started taking off down the electric line he shot it. he then told the interviewer that he had been trying to get that little sonovabitch for weeks. the interviewer was in pure shock at what had just happened.
the story goes, Glen was being interviewed by some magazine at his house and this squirrel came out of his attic. he told the interviewer to hold on a sec while he went and got his rifle. when the squirrel started taking off down the electric line he shot it. he then told the interviewer that he had been trying to get that little sonovabitch for weeks. the interviewer was in pure shock at what had just happened.

You know you might be a redneck if...

:lol: :lol: :lol: