Oldschool comedy


I was at a pawn shop the other day & found
Andrew Dice Clay's debut disc for American Recordings,
mint, must have been hot. Anyway I picked it up for $4.00,
I had that cassette along with all his other stuff back in high school.
I don't know if anyone has ever heard the man, but he & Sam Kinison
were the most P.I. comics of the late 80's early 90's, great skits, jokes,
the type of shit that would make a trucker blush.
I think Carlin was my favorite. George Wallace is also a riot. I thought Andrew Dice CLay was funny when I was a teenager, but now I don't relate as much. Sam is still funny to me though.

sixxswine said:
I was at a pawn shop the other day & found
Andrew Dice Clay's debut disc for American Recordings,

I found a copy a couple years ago and was all excited to hear him again. His stuff didn't age well, the albums not funny now.

However I will say that his movie Ford Fairlane is one of the funniest fuckin' movies ever! :lol: I still love that movie.
hahahaha "The Dice"

"Old mother Hubbard went to her cubbard to get her ol dog a bone, she bent over Rover took over OH she got a bone of her own!"

lol ok one more a quickie "Jack be nimble,Jack be quick,Jack burnt off his fucking dick OH!"
sixxswine said:
Hey Honey, got fuck yourself!
Did I mention your mutha's a whore?!
Hey just kiddin'.

:puke: sixxswine

Just Kidding :D

Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor are my favorites. My brother and his friends were always quoting those two. Maybe more of the 90s. I can't remember.
delize said:
:puke: sixxswine

Just Kidding :D

Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor are my favorites. My brother and his friends were always quoting those two. Maybe more of the 90s. I can't remember.
You got me!
I loved the classic era Murphy stuff. Funny stuff, I loved what he did in that show The P.J.'s. That was a great fuckin' show, remember the crackhead?! That was the shit...
baldyboy said:
oh god,not mr bean.you guys have seen that?theres good british comedy,bad british comedy,and then theres that.

My wife loves Mr. Bean. I actually did like him at first, but he got old quick. Now Monte Python is a different story. John Clease is a genius.

sixxswine said:
You got me!
I loved the classic era Murphy stuff. Funny stuff, I loved what he did in that show The P.J.'s. That was a great fuckin' show, remember the crackhead?! That was the shit...
Yeah Murphy was very funny. So was Cosby. Bill Cosby was one of the funniest "clean" stand-ups I have ever seen. In fact, Bill actually never stopped doing stand-ups though I never realized it. He would often go to small clubs under an alias and perform a stand-up for 100 people quite often just because that was his love.
