O'Malley's show....what a f'ing joke!

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
First, thanks to everyone that made it out to the and
we sincerely apologize for leaving after only four songs!
Also, apologies to our good friends, KK, that this happened
as well but it was out of our hands.

We arrived at the gig ready to put on a great show but our
soundman was greeted with a less than welcoming attitude
from the house guy (who also is the cook...go figure). The
first band cancelled so we figured we'd have plenty of time
to get the stage set and a decent soundcheck. Wait a minute,
there are no soundchecks, we don't want to scare away our
regulars just here to drink. Well, it sure looks like the place is
full of people ready to see the show and perhaps the stage
should have been mic'd at 8pm when everything was setup and
not 9:30pm. Ok, no biggie, we'll just get line-checks and be
ready to roll. Oh, no, you can't do line-checks through front of
house, only monitor checks. What???? You've got to be f'ing
kidding, we're going to do a show with no line-checks? You guys
don't need line-checks, the pa is fine. In all the years we've been
playing we've never done a show without at least a line-check and
our soundman is a touring pro with 20yrs experience and 4000 shows
under his belt. Rather than leaving our fans hanging at that point,
we decide to go ahead with the gig and start the show with drums,
then bass, then guitar jamming just so we can get some levels, etc.
at the board. So, two-thirds through the fourth tune, a friend comes
up and says your soundman was thrown out of the bar so we barely
finished the tune before pulling the plug. Apparently the told him to
turn it down so he did, then the doorman came up and pulled the faders
way down and gave our guy a bunch of shit before throwing him out.
People said then pa never sounded better and you know what, it never
will again, what a f'ing joke! We packed up and got the hell out of there!

Lastly,O'Malley's needs to decide whether they want to
be a shot/beer joint or a live music venue. If you want to
attract music fans who pay money to see good music then
you need to have a cooperative staff that understands what
it takes to put on a good show and are willing to work with
the bands to make this happen. Needless to say, we will
NEVER play O'Malley's again nor patronize this place and highly
recommend that any band seriously think twice about it because
from all reports, it seems as if there is always some kind of bullshit
to deal with.
Holy shit, Chris! That sucks major elephant ass. :ill: Makes me kinda glad I didn't take the time and money to drive down...I was feeling a bit guilty for ditching but not anymore. What a waste of your time, and that of everyone who went out to see you.

Hopefully I'll get to see you at a DECENT club before Powerfest...
Sorry to hear that happened. It's funny though how some bars expect you to put on a great show, but do nothing themselves to make it happen. Too many horror stories out there from bands who had problems either with the owners of the bars, or soundchecks, or equipment, etc.
On the other hand....I would have loved to see you get angry Chris lol. I have never seen you without a smile on your face, or laughing with someone, or at something ;)
I hope everything works out better for you at the next show, and trust me we will never visit that place! Sounds like it's nothing but a bunch of jerks. They probably water down the drinks and make you pay double for it anyway! (Take it from a past bartender who worked for a couple of jerks in her time :erk: )
See ya soon!!
Thanks and glad you guys didn't waste your time coming out.
It's a shame that people can't put 2 and 2 together to realize
that good shows = customers coming back again and again.
Oh well....
I've never liked that place. Once again I obviously didn't make it out, too much been going on the last few months. Glad to hear you aren't going back there because I never liked going there in the first place!
Heya Chris, sorry to hear about the ridiculous treatment you got at that club. Unfortunately it's not surprising at all, because I know that I have had to deal with that kind of bullshit at MANY clubs in our area over the years. The fact of the matter is, a good many people who work and run these clubs are not very bright when it comes to doing good business, and being logical about how things like "live entertainment" ought to be handled. This reason, above all else, is the main reason why we don't hardly ever play around here anymore, unfortunately. We've been fortunate to have good places like J.J. Kellys to play, where we've been treated professionally and had great sound, but those kinds of places are few and far between. At this stage of the game, as much as we would love to play out more often, we'd rather not play at all, than go onstage at some shitty club with awful sound and a staff who treats us on about the same level as they'd treat a criminal, basically. Too many times we've had this happen and had to apologise to our friends and fans who made the drive and paid their good money just to see a catastrophe that was out of our hands! I'm sorry that you guys have now had to experience this too.

I agree with you, you gotta just LOVE the concept of these clubs where they complain about it being "too loud" but meanwhile they expect good live entertainment all the same. I know my absolute favorite one of all, is when they say "can you turn the drums down?" And this is before they're even mic'ed through the p.a. LOL !! In cases like that, these clubs ought to just stick to either having a d.j. or an acoustic act. I realise bars make their money selling liquor, moreso than the door charge for a live act, but still, have a little bit of sense and realise that a live band is going to be LOUD, and hindering them from getting a proper level check and all is only going to make the band sound loud and BAD!! And as for the poor attitude of these people who own/run/work at these clubs, just one thing to say to them....you're no better than me or anyone else, guys. You run sound or tend bar or work security at a fucking bar in the suburbs, that doesn't entitle you to be some "special" jagoff. When bands like mine and Ion Vein are off playing all over the country and even overseas, we'll think of you sitting behind your measly little bar listening to the umpteenth Pearl Jam tribute band play again, and we'll be sure to tell everyone that when they come through Chicago, don't go to O'Malleys LOL

...No disrespect intended to either Pearl Jam nor tribute/cover bands, by the way!

Hey Larry,

Thanks for your input, brother, good to hear from you! It's
ridiculous indeed which is why we need to band together as
musicians to put a stop to this crap. However, we both
know the mentality of places/people like this we'll probalby
never change so you just have to pick and choose.
