OMG i finally found a picture of that gigantic tumor!!


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
*high five*

Woman to have 12 stone tumour removed

A woman is to undergo an operation to remove a giant tumour that weighs almost twice her normal body weight.


Lucica Bunghez, 46, will be operated on by a team of Romanian and US doctors at Floreasca Hospital in Bucharest next week.

The Discovery Channel agreed to foot the bill for the £250,000 cost of the operation in exchange for the film rights.

Ms Bunghez, whose normal body weight without the 12 stone tumour is just under seven stone, suffers from the rare genetic disease Von Recklinghausen's Disease.

The tumour, which first appeared in her back region, now covers most of her body, Romanian media reported.

The largest tumour ever removed by surgery weighed 14 stone and was taken from an American woman in an operation performed at a hospital in Chicago in 1998.

The woman survived the operation and is now reported to be living a full and healthy life.

Story filed: 10:54 Thursday 15th January 2004

yay! i love closure. :)
yea i was like 'is that a diaper'? i imagine pressure that kind pulling on her peritoneal cavity would cause loss of bowel function honestly...
i wonder if they could buy the tumor? sometimes a tumor too large is considered a biohazard (at least in the US) because some large tumors give off very toxic substances.

i dont understand how she let it go that far.
the_preppy said:
i wonder if they could buy the tumor? sometimes a tumor too large is considered a biohazard (at least in the US) because some large tumors give off very toxic substances.

haha really! i didn't know.
maybe *that* was what was inside the ark of the covenant.
tumors give off noxious gasses sometimes too! like they get surrounded by lactic acid (called a tumor halo) and that's when they start multiplying undifferentially in an exponential fashion.
wow that tumor is crazy sick though.
terrorists should just carry around giant tumors in crowded areas and just squeeze the tumor to let off the noxious gases that kill off everyone in the vicinity. what's all this bomb shit anyway?

haha, either that, or this is the next project for tokyo subway gassings. the aum shinrikyo carrying noxious tumors on the trains.

"tumor halo" - i like that! i wonder if there are tumor psychics that can detect the different colored haloes around certain tumors.