On an Island


Tool of the Devil
Nov 11, 2003
San Diego, CA
Anyone have any thoughts on David Gilmour's long-awaited solo CD? I just got it and am thus far enjoying it, especially the instrumental "Red Sky At Night." And I guess this may be the closest we get to another Floyd album, huh?
I was wondering how it is, myself. What does it compare most to?

Frankly, what I've heard about Gilmour made him sound apathetic and even colder than the Pink Floyd usual towards fans. So, it makes me have my doubts about the effort he put into this album.

If I buy it, will I be making a costly mistake?
I think the best way to describe this CD would be a dreamy, almost ethereal experience. The songs flow together smoothly, and it's easy to put it on and just get lost in the music. This album is definitely not arena-shaking rock 'n' roll: there are plenty of orchestral segments, Gilmour takes his first turn at the saxophone, and it has an overall subdued feel. That doesn't mean Gilmour's familiar guitar style is non-existent; fans of Floyd will definitely feel comfortable and at home while listening.

While I've read a few reviews that say the album tends toward tedium, and the songs lack direction, I find that to be quite irrelevant. I am thoroughly enjoying this so far, and I think it's definitely the perfect CD to listen to while kicking back and enjoying a beer.
Yes, "dreamy and etereal" would be my best way to describe it. It's yawny on the first listen, but grows on you. Not one to listen to in the car when even slightly tired. I prefer his first solo albums, but this is good. o_O
Well, I've heard enough of this to make it clear that it's not worth my money.

Yawny is putting it mildly. Plus he rips off Pink Floyd songs to a point where it's annoying.

Sorry to all of those who like it...this is just my personal opinion.
Yngvai X said:
The irony is that now Roger wants to take a reunited Floyd on tour and Dave says theres no chance in hell this will happen...he wants to put Floyd totally behind him

Wouldn't it be great if they did work it out. I guess he has high hopes for a great solo career with this album. But sorry, that's not going to happen.o_O
Yngvai X said:
The irony is that now Roger wants to take a reunited Floyd on tour and Dave says theres no chance in hell this will happen...he wants to put Floyd totally behind him

You'd think the two of them had a brain transplant.

Overall, I am very displeased with David's attitude--if Roger has a better attitude than him, that's pretty sad.

And you know what's hilarious about that "Red Sky" song? He tried to rip off "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" and ended up getting damn close to the opening of "Octavarium". Am I the only one who hears that?

Personally, I'd rather have "Octavarium" because the style is still noticeably different enough from the original.