On Limpid Form VIDEO!


New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2006
While randomly browsing the internets, I found a video of Kayo Dot performing On Limpid Form on a youtube-esque kind of site. It contained a link to add to one's myspace page, so I grabbed it. I am too lazy to search for the original, so just go to my bloody myspace page and see it if interested.

EDIT: Problem solved, link found.

The sound quality is decent, video - so-so and black&white. Nevertheless it's the longest KD video I have yet seen, so might as well view it. The ending is especially interesting with, yes, all members banging the bin.
Things I understand after watching this video:

The dimension of space and motion rejuvinates my interest in the resultant rests between chord voicing in this song, but sadly this novelty does not endure throughout.

Too many cymbal hits. Every chord from the slow deliberate ending sounds like the final point because there's one or two hard crashes along with them. That may very well be the intent, and I do enjoy the accents of the drums along with the guitars generally. I just think the cymbal hits should be more moderated in ratio to other drum hits.

Still too much structural pondering for me.

EDIT: dimention, wtf?
greg looks like a madman in that video. when i saw this song last year, toby was on the ground by the end just beating the shit out of his guitar.

great video!

at about 11:30(when the metal banging starts) thats me sitting there like a loser hitting a metal pole in cadence with Mia, because I was terrified of fucking up my favorite song by my favorite band....

I like how mia is giving me hand signals at the end.....I didnt notice that at the event....I just watched toby, whom did the "conducter" conclusion deal.


We got breakfast after that, which actually took place after....an undisclosed member made 15 bucks for licking vomit in chinatown....:puke: :loco:
man.... Can't wait until you guys find some magical way to get over to London, England. I'll put you guys up, have got loads of room! Ah, and toby, sorry I haven't got back to you about the painting, have been super busy at work. I'll email you in the morning(my morning).