Ondskapt - Arisen From The Ashes


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
Does anyone have any info on the recording of this? I know TGS does, he did it! but he doesn't post that often.
It's pretty much as good as modern BM production get's imo, great tones, great mix. As you'd expect from Necromorbus.

I love the atmosphere, sounds like it was tracked a dripping wet cavern or something :heh:
(go to 2:25 to see what I'm talking about)
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Hey there

Indeed I haven't been here for a while, been a bit busy lately so forum dwelling had to be cut out for a while.

Anyway. The recording was pretty basic, and the main thing I was after was to get close to Dödens Evangelium, but with some elements of the first album that I felt were missing on D.E.

For the drums, the snare was obviously tuned quite low (and the drummer hated it). It's an old Tama Swingstar, 14x6.5", same one that was used on D.E., and I think it has a huge part in the drum sound. For the toms, the trick I guess is to scoop quite drastically around 500Hz.

Guitars: Engl Fireball (not my favorite at all but with a lot of processing it works, and it's what we used on the previous album). I THINK it went through a Marshall 1960BX, miced with a single SM57, on axis, about an inch off center.

Not sure about the bass, might have been a Sansamp or Pod preset, I've completely forgot.

The main reverbs are impulses from a Yamaha REV7. I used to use it pretty often for a while but after the mixing console went out the window some years ago it's mostly collecting dust. I did get impulses from the presets I used the most though.

Obviously quite a lot of reverb on the drums. Dry rhythm guitars, lead guitars with some delay going all the way through the tracks. Lots of reverb on the vocals also of course.

That's pretty much it!