One day as a lion

I noticed there wasn't a thread about this project yet, am I really the only one loving it? :D

One Day As A Lion is Zach de la Rocha's and Jon Theodore's project, which kinda reminds me of really grooving RATM with Morello replaced with a Rhodes. Not exactly metal, but heavy in it's own sense.

The EP (their only release, at least for now) is available on Spotify, so go check it out!
holy shit! so amazing! I remember stocking this record when I worked at Target. No idea it was fuckin' amazing.

Thanks dude!
holy shit! so amazing! I remember stocking this record when I worked at Target. No idea it was fuckin' amazing.

Thanks dude!

fuck dude it's de la rocha - you should've known better

i wish this dude would get around to putting out more material...this is really the only shit he's put out in 9 years since leaving RATM!