One Machine - The Distortion Of Lies And The Ovedriven Truth

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
New shred metal band with ex Mercenary singer and Steve Smyth, ex Nevermore. They sound like Nevermore basically only the singer is not captivating you with great melodies or anything. At least on this song anyway. The guitars plain shred your face off.

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This is a weird album. I've only listened to it once or twice through, but not sure what is going on with some of it. I guess the Nevermore influence is there, but I don't mind the vocals and there is a Biomechanical link as well with the other guitarist. Need a few more listens.
I was really looking forward to this. Turned out to be a major disappointment. I mean, terrible disappointment.

I am still hopeful that we'll hear Firesoul someday....
It has some OK moments but overall it's very dull and it often sounds phoned in. Was expecting more from these guys.