One more harmony request..... GANG VOCALS !!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I am seriously not trying to kidnap the PPUSA forum. The reason I ask this and the post about counter-point/round vocals, is simply because backing vocals are a real big draw for me. Accept (who are the kings at it) and Manowar always had those cool, militaristic style backing vocals, but I haven't heard it from that many other bands. If someone can point me to some other bands that do that well, I would appreciate it.

Thanks guys and gals !!

Bryant, maybe you could check out the Instanzia album 'Ghosts'. The choirs/backing vocals are really thick on that album (many layers).

If you like background vocals IN GENERAL you should really check out Seventh Wonder (I say 'in general' because they're not really gang/militaristic type of backingvocals).
A lot of time/effort is spent to create all the backing vocals - A lot of things happen in the background, absolutely stunning stuff!!
Bryant, maybe you could check out the Instanzia album 'Ghosts'. The choirs/backing vocals are really thick on that album (many layers).

If you like background vocals IN GENERAL you should really check out Seventh Wonder (I say 'in general' because they're not really gang/militaristic type of backingvocals).
A lot of time/effort is spent to create all the backing vocals - A lot of things happen in the background, absolutely stunning stuff!!

Check out Sabaton, Vicious Rumors, the 1st Brainstorm...

Thanks for the heads up on these. I love Seventh Wonder, and yes, they have outstanding backing vocals !! The first Brainstorm release I have is "Ambiguity" so I will have to check out the pre-Frank era. I also know Sabaton, but I can't put my finger on VR, though I know the name. Will check into that.

Dude !! You are going to have to hold your thought right there, because if I am not mistaken, your band kicks serious ass !!


Let me get with you later this evening. It is my bedtime......

Seven KIngdoms does kick ass:headbang: