One of MiniMurray's Signature Dunlop Picks is on EBAY

Oh My God...

Someone in Oklahoma City has put one of MiniMurray's pics on eBAY with a "buy now" feature of $11.50.

Pretty funny since you can get a set on our site for $3.50 including shipping.

I got an email from a guy in Thialand frantic to get his hands on it but wants to order it from our site which is doing some scheduled maintenance right now and will be down intermittantly this week.
:lol: thats funny

but that doesnt beat the guy who was a bus driver for one of in flames tours and put up 2 pairs of underwear "supposedly" left on the bus by the band.
That is pretty funny. Jen, maybe you ought to put some of your merchandise on ebay.

Like Jeff, I too got a MiniMurray pic for free.... and I have it sitting right next to my real maiden pic that is labeled "Somewhere on Tour." Now all I need is a Adrianne Smith pic!
Jeff Milne said:
I got one free. It's far too thin to actually play guitar with, but makes a nice souvenir.

Too thin? Jeff, what kind of picks are you using? Clayton USA's 1.5 mm picks? :ill: Small trees? My friend's 12-inch promotional Fender pick?
Red Shirt said:
That is pretty funny. Jen, maybe you ought to put some of your merchandise on ebay.

I do have a BC RICH Warlock NJ Series guitar I've had for 15 years that I need to sell. Think anyone would want it? It was my second guitar and I bought it very young with babysitting money.

Ahhhh those were the days....bleaching my hair white...dying parts of it pink and playing Megadeth covers in the garage too loud while pissing off the old fogey neighbors. I was sooo artsy fartsy back then.
smylex said:
Too thin? Jeff, what kind of picks are you using? Clayton USA's 1.5 mm picks? :ill: Small trees? My friend's 12-inch promotional Fender pick?

For many years I've used a Dunlop 2mm delrin pick [usually with several holes drilled into it to improve grip] which they don't even seem to make any more [but thankfully I still have a few dozen left]. I tried Dunlop's so called "Gator Grip" picks once, but not only is there no improved grip, they also wear away much faster then delrin. Now I mainly use a $5 brass pick made by Cymbolic. Too much info? Well you asked for it. :headbang:
Bruce Chickinson said:
I do have a BC RICH Warlock NJ Series guitar I've had for 15 years that I need to sell. Think anyone would want it? It was my second guitar and I bought it very young with babysitting money.

Ahhhh those were the days....bleaching my hair white...dying parts of it pink and playing Megadeth covers in the garage too loud while pissing off the old fogey neighbors. I was sooo artsy fartsy back then.

How much? PM if ya prefer not to discuss it here...:Spin:
Jeff Milne said:
For many years I've used a Dunlop 2mm delrin pick [usually with several holes drilled into it to improve grip] which they don't even seem to make any more [but thankfully I still have a few dozen left]. I tried Dunlop's so called "Gator Grip" picks once, but not only is there no improved grip, they also wear away much faster then delrin. Now I mainly use a $5 brass pick made by Cymbolic. Too much info? Well you asked for it. !:headbang:

holy!!! you DO use thick picks!!! i have a cymbolic pick, it's so round...but i like the sound of metal against metal. i played stainless steel picks for years, but they wore my strings too quick. i also play pretty hard, and i've found dunlop .73z reduce my string breakage. they give before the string does~ and are whittled away by the end of a show! i'd never heard of the delrin dunlop.....ever try the ones with the eagle on it?
MiniMurray said:
holy!!! you DO use thick picks!!!...ever try the ones with the eagle on it?
No, I haven't, the delrin picks have a turtle on them.

When I try using picks as thin as yours, the pick bends/moves more than the string does. The reason I practice with a Cymbolic pick is because it doesn't wear away the way a plastic pick does. If somebody else is actually listening to me, I usually use the delrin.
thebigyetti said:
quick dumb question:

how does punching, drilling, whatever, putting holes in a pick improve grip?

Holes improve grip because skin goes a little bit of the way into the holes on both sides of the pick [if you drill all the way through] and the pick won't slip as easily.
thebigyetti said:
i use dunlop tortex .96mm

quick dumb question:

how does punching, drilling, whatever, putting holes in a pick improve grip?

Just avoid making holes larger than 1" in diameter, this can affect the integrity of the plectrum slightly...

I tried drillin tiny holes, but when the sweat starts, it's all wasted...
Bruce Chickinson said:
...Ahhhh those were the days....bleaching my hair white...dying parts of it pink and playing Megadeth covers in the garage too loud while pissing off the old fogey neighbors. I was sooo artsy fartsy back then.

Consider this:
It was the artisticness of your inner self that was being stimulated into helping you making you what you are today...........
Imagine how much I could make if I were to raid her laundry! :saint:

Wait, was that out loud? :D