One of my 2012 releases(super heavy drop G Djent)(5150,mesa 4x12OS, ts808, Sansamp)

Sounds fucking great dude as usual. Vox are a little loud in the mix though. Guitars sound boss as do the drums. Love it dude.
this is sounding amazing. so um... when are you recording oceano? ;)

dude next year brah ;) hah

also thanks Robert im glad you like it man! :D

yeah i kinda agree with the vocals being a lil loud at times, but i hope its not to to bad because the dudes in the band kinda like vocals a tad on the louder side.

Probably let my ears rest for the rest of the day then have another listen tomorrow just to make sure im happy with it.
But thanks guys!
I'll agree with Robert, the vocals are just a hair too loud to me, but I can understand the vocalist wanting louder vocals, and I think it'd help keep the listener's attention. Guitars and bass sound killer, dude. Good stuff.
Guitar tone is perfect! I love it! What kind of guitar/pickups were used? How many tracks? Basically tell me everything cuz that tone is sick. Great job on the mix too.
Guitar tone is perfect! I love it! What kind of guitar/pickups were used? How many tracks? Basically tell me everything cuz that tone is sick. Great job on the mix too.

Thanks a lot dude :D

im pretty sure tyler used a shecter c1 with Seymour Duncan's.

here are the head and pedal settings.

(5150 settings)

Gain 4
lows 10
mids 3
highs 6.9
post 3.20
Res 10
Pres 7

(TS808 settings)

drive 0
tone 1 0 clock
level 1 0 clock

the reamp box i use is a PRORMP.

Then i just used a single sm57 on my mesa 4x12OS.

I lined up the mic at about 50% were the dust cap and cone meet.
then from there i angled it to the left about 15 degrees.

this was all on my bottom left speaker.

haha sorry its hard to explain the mic placement
Thanks for the info man! Awesome! Was it the lead channel? Did you two left And right?