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Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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ok here it is, WHY is it that people at concerts always clap during a song? i mean let take THE DRAPERY FALLS as an example, if anyone d/l that video from bootlegmania (thanks a lot by the way) you'd see that a minute or 2 into the song it stops for a few seconds to change, but everyone claps thinking its the end of the song, this has happened at every gig ive been, im pretty sure of it. so thats like on over 20 occassions or something, just one of those things i suppose :confused:
Thats a strange title for this thread. I thought it was going to be something about aliens or parallel dimensons. Oh well.
Originally posted by NightFlier
Thats a strange title for this thread. I thought it was going to be something about aliens or parallel dimensons. Oh well.

yeah, that was sorta the desired effect to make people click on the thingy thread, posty maggigy. they don't call me sisqo sam the posty man for nothing you know.:p
Originally posted by godisanathiest

They don't call you sisqo sam the posty man :p

losing your memory gramps, hey. keep your comments to yourself or you'll get embaressed :p

anyway walking with beasts was good tonight, the only thing is, its kinda repetative, same things happen just with different animals/beasts, anyway still good, they done a Matrix rip off too :lol: , spun around the animal.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
losing your memory gramps, hey. keep your comments to yourself or you'll get embaressed :p

What the hell was the about? I can't remember saying nething! :D

anyway walking with beasts was good tonight, the only thing is, its kinda repetative, same things happen just with different animals/beasts, anyway still good, they done a Matrix rip off too :lol: , spun around the animal.

I didn't get it! That shitty calf-fuck-off-great-big thing got killed by a hyena thingey, then lived neway! It never said it was a different one! :confused: Yeah that was funny! Its always the same tho, they live, they die, etc. etc.