One Thirty Eight – Case#6


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
One Thirty Eight – Case#6
Demo - Tuesday’s Music – November 2002
By Russell Garwood

One Thirty Eight is a solo project paying homage to generations of B-list horror movies through samples, sound effects, and a backing score. Latest release, Case#6, comes wonderfully packaged in a labeled evidence bag, along with bloodstained press release and well-presented CD.

The demo itself, while short, follows a classic horror plot – track one “Some Kinda Love” charts the seduction, a one-sided conversation. The backing music is fitting - slightly jerky, discordant guitar and plodding bass under the sounds of an every-day bar. Recording two, titled “Dr. Sepis Cleaver” follows the preparation with laboratory sounds, a haunting child-like music box and eerie wailing behind, while the finale, “Artaud’s Ballet” is distinctly harsher with white noise, disjointed guitars and distorted vox – an apt conclusion.

As the press release states, “these tracks are not meant to be formal songs - they were designed to try to create a picture in the listener’s mind”, a goal which Dan, the man behind One Thirty Eight, has achieved to perfection. These three short recordings not only create great atmosphere, they manage to capture perfectly the kitsch fun of a low budget horror movie. After listening to Case#6, it seems no surprise that Dan is working on scores for two films; it is an accomplished and well written demo – my only complaint is that it should be longer!

Case#6 can be downloaded from the One Thirty Eight website, and an unsigned spotlight with Dan can be found here.