Online collaboration?


Nov 27, 2008
Leicester/Newcastle Upon Tyne

I can remember quite sometime ago I had an idea along the lines of some form of online collaboration. Now what I mean by this is for those of you that want to record some full songs but don't have the technical ability or skills to record/play drums or any other instrument you call on someone who does have the skills to do it for you. For example, I'm a vocalist and I also play guitar so if you want a vocal part done for your recording then you just give me an email or shout on here, you send me your track and I whack some vocals on it. Getting the picture? Great.

Well in essence this is what I would like to do. I'm bored, I want to do all sorts of styles (predominately different styles of metal) but I feel that bands can be limiting in that sense and our industry is all about creativity.

So if you're frustrated and you've got loads of ideas but you can't sing, or play guitar but you're an awesome drummer or whatever then let us together write some songs, produce an EP, an album or anything!




Here are some samples of my vocals/production skills etc
if you ask me there should be a whole site for these things.

that's probably the main advantage of the digital world and it's really anderrated and underused....

i think "collaboration" should be a sub-forum here, after all, this forum contains some of the best minds in the musical industry...
if you ask me there should be a whole site for these things.

that's probably the main advantage of the digital world and it's really anderrated and underused....

i think "collaboration" should be a sub-forum here, after all, this forum contains some of the best minds in the musical industry...

I moderate a forum with such a sub forum. Its wonderful.

Btw OP, you have a pm.
if you ask me there should be a whole site for these things.

that's probably the main advantage of the digital world and it's really anderrated and underused....

i think "collaboration" should be a sub-forum here, after all, this forum contains some of the best minds in the musical industry...

so come on!

what are you waiting for?! there's Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much unused talent here!
until more than 2 or 3 out of 14000 started "collaborations" here actually get finished, I don't think it'll happen, there is a thread for that though

dude, if ONE song comes out of this forum that has Jaymze's guitar playing, felix's voice, some guy's drums, another guys bass, Erm'z mix and James Murphy's mastering than it's all worth it.
i know man... but you have to use your IMAGINATION sometimes, especially when speaking of music.
i'm just giving an example here... i know ermz and james aren't doing that stuff. but THINK of the potential that lurks in this forum!
it's not that obvious that a song can be created by 10 different people that resides each in a defferent corner of the world, who never met each other.
moreover, it's incredable! that's what it is!

definitly worth the small inconvinience of creating a sub-forum, at the very least!