

Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I see the Sneapmeister's doing the new Onslaught record.

"Power Fwom Hell!!"

Since they started as a Discharge clone in the demo days, turned "death metal" for the debut album, went "thrash" for the next record and then turned "proper metal" for the next (jumping from one bandwagon to the next with no shame at all), are we to assume that this new record will be all "At the Gates" verses with dropdown choruses? Maybe it'll be tech death metal with emo haircuts?
I read that yesterday on Blabber, I forgot they were back.
I own the first two albums they were pretty sweet.

Whenever I hear Onslught I think of the Hard N Heavy videos. I think it was an interview with Overkill maybe... Anyways they were touring with Onslaught and Overkill spray painted "Wankers" on their tour bus but they didn't know what Wankers were... :lol: So they got their revenge once they found out and tagged their bus with "Onslaught - Gay Pride Tour." I'll have to dig out that old video, it's pretty good.

Nice Maddox avatar too by the way.