Onward soldiers of freedom


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
Right this is just a bit of a personal rant, as what happened yesterday really pissed me off.
A few mates and myself play chess online at www.redhotpawn.com Yesterday morning in college, when i came to make my finalising move and destroy my mate Philf I saw that the site had been banned. Itreallypisses me off when thye ban sites but dont give you any notice of it in the bulletin. unwilling to let this one slip i went to see out college tech to give him a piece of my mind.
So after keeping me waiting for 10mins (running into my lesson time grrr) he came over and i bitched about him removing the site. He said it was because it was a game and college policy was to remove on line gaming as it uses up computers for those who need them for study purposes. fine. so how come none of the flash site have been taken off? what a hypocryt. he said that they try their best to locate all games and remove them (they should have a box outside teh door labelled 'leave smiles and laughter here')
So after a little more bitching he said he would see what he coulddo and got me to write teh site name down.....then he said he wouldnt put it back up because of the name - FFS - pawn not porn you retard...i give up.
I'm going back today to further my campaign....time for a revolution me thinks
so you were moaning cos you admin stopped you using a college PC for a purpose that you're not supposed to use it for anyway, and then got upset cos he left you waiting 10 minutes? you're the one who wanted to waste his time moaning about him doing his job, why should he drop everything for that?

I would have left you 20 minutes and then afterwards found a few more sites you visit to block. :tickled:
hey she was essentially asking for the admin to do her a favour, so moaning to him is pretty good way to make sure you dont get it done. If yer not supposed to play games on college pcs what right have you to complain when you're stopped?

And never piss off IT staff, they more power than god in colleges ...muhahahah
no i was complaining about the fact that he allows scallies to play alien shoot em up games but he will ban a chess site which is a far more worthy game......all i was bitching about was the unfairness of this...and when he left me waiting he was walking around telling the scallies for the umpteenth time to get off the alien games (for some reason he wont ban them and has been aware of them since september) grrr it just pissed me off thats all if your gona ban games ban them all if your not gona ban games dont ban any....
hehehe i just re-read my original post! i do seem like a moaning twat and in the wrong - ah well i am a moaning twat and i guess im in the wrong but that doesnt change the inequality!!!!!! teehee
ah turns out all my bitching is redundant - the system auto blocked the site because it was trying to update it (not a big tech person but i think this has to do with trying to put cookies on our system) - so thats fooked me chess game up....
im not going to my english resits so i might get teh bus home and play chess online there.....
Dhatura said:
FFS, Alwin, I was about to answer that post when it disappeared :mad:

What was your original post? :D
There was no original post. This never happened. My previous posts seems pretty irrelevant now, so I'll remove it. All that's left are echoes from the past...