Opera, anyone?

Click on "Our next concert" to see the program.

I'll see if I can make it up. That would be cool to see.

RoboCaster said:
That sounds kinda' cool, I would go if I lived there, yep even rockers have their soft side, and where would rock n roll be without some roots from classical music.

Classical is all sides soft and hard Robo but I'm sure you know this. Deep Purple, Yngwie, Randy Rhoads, ELP, and I'm sure many others all borrowed heavily from classical music.

Take Night on Bald Mountain, Pictures at an Exhibition the second to last movement, and play them on guitar with distortion and you have metal. :headbang:

Classical has some of the most intense stuff you will find and is an absolute treasure trove of riffs to build upon.

spideyjg said:
Classical is all sides soft and hard Robo but I'm sure you know this. Deep Purple, Yngwie, Randy Rhoads, ELP, and I'm sure many others all borrowed heavily from classical music.

Take Night on Bald Mountain, Pictures at an Exhibition the second to last movement, and play them on guitar with distortion and you have metal. :headbang:

Classical has some of the most intense stuff you will find and is an absolute treasure trove of riffs to build upon.


Yep that's one thing I like about metal, cause it's got class; that's when metal had higher standards IMO.

I still like the sound of nylon strings and flowing notes.
RoboCaster said:
Yep that's one thing I like about metal, cause it's got class; that's when metal had higher standards IMO.

I still like the sound of nylon strings and flowing notes.

Couldn't agree more Robo.

I saw a classical/spanish guitar trio one time that could eat shredders for breakfast.
Just freaking phenomenal playing. :headbang:

spideyjg said:
Couldn't agree more Robo.

I saw a classical/spanish guitar trio one time that could eat shredders for breakfast.
Just freaking phenomenal playing. :headbang:

Yea well they have their own set of tools or patterns they practice for muscle memory or dexterity and keep a great clock! The patterns and voices they have make it pretty fancy sounding IMO.
Steph Harris said:
I'll be playing in the bass section. Here's a link for more info: http://www.southcoastsymphony.org/

Hope to see some of you there!
Wish I could make it! :cry:

But for those of you who didn't know- she's not only in the bass section - she's the first chair in her instrument's section! To be first chair in an orchestra is quite an accomplishment and a lot of responsibility. Go, Wanda! Have a great performance! :)
Air Raid Siren said:
Wish I could make it! :cry:

But for those of you who didn't know- she's not only in the bass section - she's the first chair in her instrument's section! To be first chair in an orchestra is quite an accomplishment and a lot of responsibility. Go, Wanda! Have a great performance! :)

She is?? Wow, that is awesome!! Welll done Wanda!! :D
Air Raid Siren said:
But for those of you who didn't know- she's not only in the bass section - she's the first chair in her instrument's section! To be first chair in an orchestra is quite an accomplishment and a lot of responsibility. Go, Wanda! Have a great performance! :)

Wanda has been holding back on being first chair. Ever the modest one she is. :) :worship:

I don't know if I can make this one on such short notice and the possibility of rainy day SoCal traffic but I definitly would come to a future performance. Please post any upcoming ones for us Wanda.

Sorry I couldn't make it tonight Wanda.
My wife made other plans but we would love to come see one of your orchestral performances someday.
