Operation Mindcrime II Reviews Coming In!

I actually liked Tribe a lot. However, OM2 (at least the songs I've heard off it) failed to catch me at all. Especially "I'm American" which, considering my personal distaste for america, was a big turnoff. I will still give the album a chance, but as some have said: people have every right and reason to compare OM2 to OM1, since the band decided to title it that. From what I heard, it doesn't own up to the name.
I've listened through the whole thing once. I will say, it is probably the best thing they've done in the past 10+ years... but I don't think it lives up to the original at all... or at least musically. Storyline wise, it works pretty damn well. The only songs that have stood out so far and made me go "Hot damn, this rocks!" are "Re-Arrange You" (I don't know why, but I dig the hell out of that chorus) and "The Chase" (which is kind of disappointing due to length. You have two of the best vocalist is all of Metal, you could have made one of the most epic Metal songs ever with this!). The problem with a lot of the songs is, they tend to wander off too much. There are some damn good songs on here, but some could have been arranged a lot better.

Anyway, I will most likely buy the album when it comes out. It's Queensryche, who always will hold a special place with me, but it isn't BAD. I'd imagine a few more listens and I could grow to appreciate it. But I'll wait to buy it to spin it more times...
I have to cut thru the crap with this one...

It sucks.

No other words for it.

No "growth"

No "change"

No songs worth a dime is what the problem is.

No fire.

No nothing.

They should give up. Which is sad because they used to be mighty in my eyes.