i think I have listened to this whole album over 100 times since it was "leaked" and I can honestly say it is probably the finest all around album I have ever heard. There is something in this album for everyone.
I am 46 years old, I have been consuming music since I was five.
I can't agree with Mikael when he says at performances, "Hi, we are Opeth, we are a death metal band". Try describing this artist to any lay person and "death metal" does not begin to describe them -- although certain lyrics and harsh vocals are consistent in each album with the exception of damnation I suppose-- but Mikael's repertoire has elements of so many different genre's that to say Mikael composes "death metal" is like saying Mozart wrote operas or MichaelAngelo painted church ceilings or Warren Buffet plays stocks or Secretariat ran around racetracks.
I compare Opeth to the greatest of the great because they --he, Mikael--is so outside the box of this generation's talent, and so extraordinary that I believe it will take another generation before his talent is fully recognized and appreciated by the mainstream critics of the day.
I read in another thread that Mikael is arrogant according to his postings and having seen Opeth 4 times now, I can attest that I have observed an air of superiority when he addresses the crowds that attend. But that is not an entirely accurate summary of his disposition. My sons and I had the pleasure of meeting Opeth privately after their show here in DC last May and the entire band was nothing other than patient and friendly and gracious to us. I don't think I am entirely patient or gracious or friendly to anyone, not even my own kin, after working days on end, let alone strangers in a strange town. The gift of music that provides pleasure to the senses year in and year out is more than anyone should expect of any artist. Amadeus was arrogant as well, mostly because few appreciated his brilliance, and those that did wished him dead. heh. Mikael, be whatever you want; just keep sharing your gifts with us.
But back to Watershed: brilliant. so much melody, I can barely stand it.
Hessian peel is probably my favorite track, emotionally, visually, musically rich. Heartbreaking lyrics, but I am a devoted mother and close to having an empty nest, so this song saddens me in the first movement. Makes me cry. And then the chord change at the end inspires aggression and that is a basic metal rule: arouse aggression in the listener. well done.
Coil is beautiful. Female singer reminds me of Jewel. Subtle. Feminine. Lovely voice. Excellent call.
Hex Omega. Classic Opeth. True to form, only better.
Lotus Eater. love it, has this total retro feel, head banging, harsh vocals best to date. typical opeth structure and Mikael really expands on his clean vocal range which was my first thought after listening to the entire album for the first time. And I have to say here that Mikael is the master of translating DOOM to music. You'd think there are only so many ways to do doom, and Mikael just comes up with more. And then the jazzy riff towards the end and I am left breathless. It's almost not fair. It is like he may not leave anything left for other musicians to compose. I have to imagine that Opeth's contemporaries secretly hate him. Who can compete with this band?
Porcelain Heart: the instrumentation alone carries the song. Ax is perfect. His unconventional section says to me "I am not Martin Lopez, I am Martin Axenrot. Please adjust your settings. Thank you". Speaking as one who thought Lopez was an essential element to Opeth's style, I can say that it did take some time to "adjust". But I can now say in all honesty that Ax is the superior drummer here precisely because he is so bold and artistic. Unconventional is exactly the spice that makes this album so seasoned.
Words I use to describe Burden: Melancholy. Summer. The blues. mischievous. Elton John. (????!!!! This song has an early Elton John feel to it, am I wrong here?) Per's solo is exceptional, Fredrik is excellent--what great fortune to have him able to join this band, the chemistry is absolutely there. Mikael, be good to this man, he is unquestionably a huge asset, a great talent in his own right. The alternating solos are a pleasure to listen to, and the acoustic blues at the end turns wicked. very original -- huge smile upon hearing this.
Heir Apparent. This song is the equivalent of an orgasm to any metal guitarist or drummer. My oldest son is a drummer. My middle son is a guitarist. I know what I speak of. This song is beyond exciting.
To summarize, I have only praise for this album...although maybe one complaint: it is too short, I wish there was more. But as they say, always leave them wanting more.