B batmura Sea of Tranquility Nov 1, 2001 2,828 4 38 www.seaoftranquility.org Dec 16, 2001 #1 Go vote for them at Metal-Rules.com - Opeth are losing by 11 votes right now. Opeth 933 Death 944 So vote NOW!
Go vote for them at Metal-Rules.com - Opeth are losing by 11 votes right now. Opeth 933 Death 944 So vote NOW!
Belial Rainbow Demon Nov 18, 2001 10,521 6 38 42 Shoikan Grove jason.storiesfrom.us Dec 16, 2001 #2 You have nothing to worry about. Opeth: 975 Death: 954
B batmura Sea of Tranquility Nov 1, 2001 2,828 4 38 www.seaoftranquility.org Dec 16, 2001 #3 What's the result?
B batmura Sea of Tranquility Nov 1, 2001 2,828 4 38 www.seaoftranquility.org Dec 17, 2001 #4 Opeth are behind by some 25 votes... vote!!! NP: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son ~Mezarkabul
Opeth are behind by some 25 votes... vote!!! NP: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son ~Mezarkabul
Opet in my den of inequity May 1, 2001 2,039 4 38 51 RI, USA Dec 17, 2001 #5 Anyone that probably ever knew of Death is now voting in memory of Chuck...ya know how that stuff happens when people die. "Devotion eludes, And in sadness I lumber. In my own ashes I am standing without a soul."
Anyone that probably ever knew of Death is now voting in memory of Chuck...ya know how that stuff happens when people die. "Devotion eludes, And in sadness I lumber. In my own ashes I am standing without a soul."
mindflesh Rainbow Satan Overflow Nov 19, 2001 1,159 3 38 39 Austria members.aon.at Dec 17, 2001 #6 Death won Opeth is out of the game... well, giving them Death as an opponent was unfair
RETIREDTrapped New Metal Member Sep 12, 2001 8,312 4 0 Dec 17, 2001 #7 Anyone that probably ever knew of Death is now voting in memory of Chuck...ya know how that stuff happens when people die. Click to expand... ...I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but maybe some people actually LIKE Chuck's music?
Anyone that probably ever knew of Death is now voting in memory of Chuck...ya know how that stuff happens when people die. Click to expand... ...I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but maybe some people actually LIKE Chuck's music?
Opet in my den of inequity May 1, 2001 2,039 4 38 51 RI, USA Dec 17, 2001 #8 I thought that was obvious. Well, I guess what I said made you think otherwise. I was just noting...that stuff happens sometimes. Sorry...clown...
I thought that was obvious. Well, I guess what I said made you think otherwise. I was just noting...that stuff happens sometimes. Sorry...clown...
Belial Rainbow Demon Nov 18, 2001 10,521 6 38 42 Shoikan Grove jason.storiesfrom.us Dec 17, 2001 #10 Originally posted by Trapped ...I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but maybe some people actually LIKE Chuck's music? Click to expand... That is true, but it is also true that death got a whole new flood of votes after Chuck died. That leads me to believe they were getting more sympathy votes than real ones recently.
Originally posted by Trapped ...I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but maybe some people actually LIKE Chuck's music? Click to expand... That is true, but it is also true that death got a whole new flood of votes after Chuck died. That leads me to believe they were getting more sympathy votes than real ones recently.