Opeth...Black Metal???

  • Thread starter King Purple Rainbow
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King Purple Rainbow

I was looking in a local CD store, and I found a Black Metal compilation CD with bands like Emperor and the like.

But what I also found was the song "Nectar..." a song by Opeth.

Does that song make Opeth Black Metal? Or are they still melodic Death Metal? Or is it just that one song?

I know Opeth are a band that defy description and can play just about anything. But Black Metal?
Most people say their first 2 albums had a more black metal feel, with the bleak and oppressiveness. Also, Mikie's voice was much more black metal on their first two than on their latest.
No. I'd like to think Opeth have far more variety and melody in their music than your average Black Metal act. Bad categorisation, but I suppose they need any excuse to put a good song on the CD :)
No. I'd like to think Opeth have far more variety and melody in their music than your average Black Metal act. Bad categorisation, but I suppose they need any excuse to put a good song on the CD

In the words of akerfeldt himself "I just tell people we're a metal band."
Originally posted by sands of the seas
I've seen or heard Opeth being called Melodic Progressive Death Metal, just Melodic Death Metal, Progressive Black Metal and Black Metal. I don't know what to call them. :confused:

What about 'forest metal' :lol:
Opeth arent Black Metal, Black Metal is supposed to be evil, dark and very Anti- Christian! Many bands like Emperor and Darkthrone have a satanic feel also. Opeth arent Anti - Christian or Satanic...but very morbid. I like the description "Progressive Death Metal".
Opeth...I would say is Progressive Death/Black. They arent black metal though. They arent satanists to my knowledge and they arent posing to be satanists either (obviously). They are way more intellegent is writing music and lyrics than any black metal band (black metal revolves around satanism, satanic cults, anti-christanism, and many lame things as all of you know and its so redundant and simple-minded!!). Thus, calling opeth a black metal band is quite an insult. They have some "metal" class to them. haha.
Originally posted by thebleakaffinity
I don't really like Black Metal, and a lot of the fans/artists are morons.

Yeah cheers! (is currently wearing two Mayhem shirts) Black Metal is an excelent genre within Metal!!! Three of my five favourite bands are Black Metalers (Mayhem, Emperor, Immortal).
Emperor's Prometheus is beyond black metal I think... It's the only black metal album I can enjoy... it's like at the point where it's mixing morbid classical with total extreme metal... pure genius :)
Prometheus is mindblowing. Emperor's best effort so far.

Don't be so stupid and stereotype "all black metal bands are satanists, anti christian...". thats the kind of ignorant simple-mindedness we don't need these days.

Its true, some are, but you'll find them in any metal genre.

and btw, Agalloch aren't black metal :\ more like progressive dark metal or something like that. whatever you call Katatonia (circa BMD) really