opeth chords

The best i've seen is http://opeth.darkwood.com . It's got a number of tabs, and is a nice site. The accuracy on them is questionable at times, but overall, they are very accurate representations of their songs.

And as for sheet music, or tab books, I doubt it will ever happen, but opeth (along with Emperor) are one of the few metal bands that really deserve one in my opinion...But it just wouldn't be worth it for the publishing company I don't think.
I don't think their will be sheet music either. I think you should sell a certain amount of records to have a book done. I don't know how much Opeth has sold, but I know that Satyricon's "Nemesis Divina" has sold 50.000 copies and a book hasn't been done for that. I've heard that Cradle of Filth sold 100.000 copies of one of their albums, and I don't think a book has been done for that either.
As far as I know Type O Negative's "Bloody kisses" tab book didn't come out until the record had sold 500.000 copies, which was in 1995 I think, so there's a long way to go if Opeth wants a tab book put out. Sell out and get a tab book or stay true and find tabs on the internet.
Originally posted by Tindor
does any have the chords for harvest and apostle , and do u think opeth will ever have sheet music avaible?

I don't know about Opeth having sheet music available... But your sig is great!

You say you love Kristin Kreuk... Well, your not the only one...
Oh yeah fuck :lol: It´s the finnish chord thing....For some reason unknown B is H here. (Believe it or not.)

So just "convert" all Hm to Bm.

(Btw, in addition to this Bb is still Bb in Finland, which leads to pretty funny moments sometimes when teaching riffs to Nevershine who uses the real chord names. See I like to refer to Bb only as "B", cause it´s the only B we have. So sometimes when we´re both drunk it just doesn´t get anywhere :) )
I was told once that the b got mixed up with h, because the letter wasn't "closed" properly at the bottom. I always say b, but I hear a lot of people saying h, which is the same thing. I think a lot of people saying h, says b when they mean Bb.
Tindor in my quest to find the Apostle In Triumph sheet music, I found the amazing yourdeadgroom! He kindly offered to write out tabs for me from 8.30min and just quietly, this friendly gesture blew me away! Trying to play notes on saxophone by ear is not easy, my sounds made puppies run howling down the street! :D I am sure he would forward this to you if he still has it, and if not, I do and can send to you along with the sheet music as soon as I re-do it...correctly this time! :heh: