opeth fans on tour bus talk about damnation

sounds like its gonna be good.

I cant belive that lopez told a fan to shut up.Hrmm,maybe theres a hidden nutter within the mind of lopez,he he.
First of all, this wasn't any old fan, it was MPB.
Second, obviously you haven't met Lopez :lol:

I had a decent conversation with him in Philly, hes very direct, and yes, a nut

ACTUALLY: Lopez if you're reading this, I had a question for you about Requiem Aeternam. If there is any way I can ask you a few questions give me a mail at sfarog@yahoo.com thx. Czesc!:D
who MPB? i was just assuming they were fans because they keep refering to his as "the opeth drummer"

i thought that someone who wrote for BWBK would at least know their names