Opeth have asked you to design the Damnation Cover*

Masters Apprentice

Nov 2, 2002
THe OlWOZau Wha.e HUH?

..so get to it!

I will do a few to get the ball rolling with this deliverance themed one(well they are connected).


Now, you try while I do more :p

Yeah, it was after I made it that even though I quite liked it..I realised it just didn't suit Opeth at all :p

But when you think about it, would you have said Orchid's cover looked like an Opeth cover if you had saw the next 5 first?
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice

!!!!!!! It's great!!!!!

Yeah, you're right, doesn't look like an Opethcover,
might be a bit too "obvious" when you see it.... The
way the picture communicates doesn't suit Opeth, if
you know what I mean :eek:P hehe...

But then again, nothing suits Opeth, until you see
the real albumcovers... :eek:)

So, Lordenlil: Are you up for this dare?! Make the
new Opethalbum, again! >:eek:)

Maybe I'll try, though I am not good a these kind of
things at all... We'll see :eek:)
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
I search for a cool photo and then just manipulate in a graphics program..

What graphics program? and where can i get it? and what do i do? hehe im such a dumb arse :(
Corel Photopaint is what I use, but most people use Adobe Photoshop.

They both cost a lot of money..but I think Paint Shop Pro is free. I don't really know, I chose Photopaint as free software as part of a package deal with my first PC so I've always had it.

That's the first one, and I think I like it better than the second one -->


If anyone can tell me how to make the Opethlogo have a
transparent background, please let me know, and I'll add it! :eek:)

This was fun! I've never done this kind of thing before, and
I am not exactly best mates with photoshop, so yeah... :eek:)

And Oyo! You RULE!!! >:eek:)))))