Opeth-Here, there, everywhere!


in my den of inequity
May 1, 2001
I just wanted to say, I've been noticing myself putting Opeth lyrics into practically everything I do or say. I'll be waiting for something and get impatient and almost leave then think "If only for another second." Just one-liners. (lol) It just started happening recently. I'll be walking out to my car after work and look at the ground and the way the sun is shinning on it and think, "The soil I walk is clad with light." In the car...all the freaking time "We're almost there." And when I think of this, I hear "You speak to me through the shadows." It's like my mind is being invades by Opeth! YAY! :) I'm sure I'm not alone on this. I just wanted to talk about it though.

I've noticed the one thing that I hear all Opeth fans I find say sooner or later. "I can't believe how good they are, yet no one knows of them." Very true.

They played in Worcester twice during the tour. I went the first time. The second time I couldn't but a few other friends of mine went. THOSE LUCKY F@#KERS! THEY WENT ON THEIR BUS AND HUNG OUT WITH THEM! WAH! :cry: The story they told me HURT I was so envious.

OK, so, anyone got any envy stories for me? I love hearing how freaking nice they are to everyone! That's like icing on the cake.


Originally posted by Opet
In the car...all the freaking time "We're almost there."

LOL, the exactly same thing happens to me almost every morning when I walk from the subway to work. I stroll down the street, avoiding all the stupid people who walk like they have no idea of where they're going to (and I always seem to walk faster than anyone else) and I think "we're almost there... (and the acoustics)"

Who's "we"? :) Maybe "we" are schitzophrenic.. :p

Anyway (damn, you and Hoser have infected me with that word :)), I know what you mean, I do it also. I also like to hum to "What a Wonderful World" in nice surroundings, like walking in the woods with my dog(s).
Anybody else get some big googly eyed stares after they've lapsed into an Opeth-dream (from now on I think I will call it Opethian's Gap) on the bus or something, and started to growl out the words to When?
Some people just don't know quite what they should think of you. Works well if you don't want anybody starting random conversation with you.
[color=sky blue]I get a verse I heard stuck in my head, then walk around and just grumble the lines in a faint growl/whisper.

The best reactions I've gotten are from the beginning of "The Twilight Is My Robe." It's starts all quiet, [/color]"Unto you I whisper the wildest dreams."[color=sky blue] then SURPRISE! [/color]"In the darkness of night.


[color=sky blue]I love it! I'm really into colors.[/color] :p
