Opeth Jacket - WIP


Art Geek
Jun 14, 2008

I've had a leather Jacket for a very long time and I've always wanted to paint it. I'm going to paint a ghost reveries inspired image on it. I still have to wait for my paint to arrive before I can start but It'll look like this (I photoshoped that in). I'm going to airbrush it once the paint arrives and I get some free time.


This isn't my jacket it's just a picture of a leather jacket I found online, but it'll look great on mine as well.

I'm not going to put any actual text, just the image. If I put Opeth somewhere on the jacket and then suddenly I stop liking Opeth (which I highly doubt but still), I'll stop liking the Jacket. There's no risk of that with only the image...

Another example of ruining a thread.
@ Katatonic: just don't pay attention to those kind of people. It makes it even worse.

Btw..nice idea with the jacket..looks smart. I think less is more. This is exactly the way you should paint it.
Man, that's badass!

That would actually look pretty sweet on a guitar, too. :kickass:
I started it, but I never finished. I probably won't for a few months too as I paint outside and it's friggin' freezing right now. I'll get pics of the WIP if you want. I did wear the WIP to the Opeth concert though... I forgot to show it to the band.
Awesome, maybe I should do something like that on my trench coat, I wouldn't want to screw it up though.