opeth / katatonia video

Erm, yeah I own it. Unfortunately my copy is totally unwatchable!
The sound is VERY bass heavy and you can just about make out a picture - there's a very strange sort of silhouette around everything. In fact, I wouldn't recommend buying it if all copies are like mine!! Of course, that could be because I had it converted so I could watch it on my UK VCR, but the person who done it for me said that that's unlikely. :(

Hopefully yours is better...
i have one that's actually pretty good -- for an amateur video, that is. i'm sure there's more than one source for the videos, so hopefully you'll get a good one. and i won't even tell you how much i spent for mine on ebay. it was a couple weeks after the show and i was still on a high, so i made a rather rash purchase. lol :p
I got mine off Ebay. Took forever, but it's pretty good quality. I think I've described it before here. Mine's from a camera angle RIGHT by Mikael, and there's another guy right by Peter, I REALLY wish they'd collaborated and edited the two cameras together. It's not the best image, being non-digital home video many generations away.. but it's watchable. And the sound, despite blocking out a fair number of the vocal distinctions, is clear enough to make out the lyrics if you know them ;)
Looks like I got a dodgy copy then!

So if anyone has a decent copy on a format so that I can watch it on my UK VCR, would they be so kind and generous to do a copy to replace my dodgy one?

I have bootlegs (video & audio) to trade (if that's anyone's interested?). Not just Opeth, but Dissection, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Led Zeppelin, Emperor etc...???