Opeth NAmerica Tour- and Prog Relevance?


Sep 9, 2003
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Just wondering what everybody here thinks of Opeth.. I just got back last night from their concert. Thank god for the Bay Area- Helloween on Tuesday night, and Opeth Sat night! Unbelievable! After getting the DVD, I expected it to be more along the lines of 1/2 mellow, 1/2 electric.. They only did 2 numbers off of Damnation, and a good mix of their other albums. I really enjoyed it for the most part- the death vocals were not as much of a turn-off as I would have thought. Their playing really is mesmerizing- even when they are growling, it can still be beautiful. I am wondering what everybody's take on these guys is- This is really the first time I have been able to tolerate death vocals and enjoy the music. I was afraid that Damnation would be the extent of their work that I could tolerate, but I was wrong. Musically, they were not quite as "prog" as I might have thought- they didn't jump keys and time changes as much as I might have thought. However, their bluesy- Gilmouresque guitars and harmonies really piqued my interest. One other thing- At the encore they made mention that they had composed the song- Demons Befall, while meditating and calling upon their Lord Satan. I guess I am still just a good ol 'boy from East Texas, but I really find this kind of crap offensive. Is this all in jest Spinal-Tap wise or what? I prefer not to think of the music I love like this. Maybe I should go back to Petra or something
Speaking of the Opeth DVD - anybody know where I could find it? I emailed metalages about it and got no reply, then I tried to email TheEndRecords and still haven't heard anything about it.

Are they available for sale at the shows?
I was at the show in San Francisco saturday night at it was the best Opeth show I have seen out of the 4 times, they simply kicked serious ass!!!!

To follow up as to the satanic references, he has done that before and it was done in a joking manner, at least I thats the way I perceived it.

Also there music is very progressive to the extent where they incorporate alot of different styles into their music, Akerfeldt is a genious in this regard to me at least , specially the way he ties classical into Opeth's music, awesome awesome stuff.

Thanks for the clarification here-- Also, in relation to the DVD, i just got it from The End, but it took FOREVER to get here.. It was worth paying $10 more to get it before the concert..
[RE: Opeth DVD]

I'm going to attempt The End Records again and see. Did you find it listed on their site? I couldn't locate it there.
Thank you so much for the tip Nightwish58. I was truly feeling like it was a lost cause. Another person recommended a place called The Artist Shop as well, that's in OH.

I'll check both places out!