Opeth Pittsburgh Show...

Yes, Opeth was AMAZING... especially after Paradise Lost's mind-numbing performance... :zzz:

However, I was disappointed in the "moshing contingent". I fled to the balcony in order to allow myself to be absorbed into the musical world of Opeth without having to absorb the jostling of a dozen retarded animals.
The show was awesome. Tapping the Vein sucked miserably and Paradise Lost was a little to generic for my likings. However, Opeth more than made up for it. Moshing really only took place in the center, and one could get quite close on the right or left sides without getting stomped on by some fuckhead.

Oh, and after the show Peter signed my ticket, hooray!
no...i don't think the show sold out.

i was kind of confused by the whole moshing meatheads but oh well....i think nu metal opened the floodgates for idiots...i mean have you seen in flames lately?....on the moonspell/inflames tour...no morons....after touring with earth crisis and what not it has been a bonehead fest....

opeth were pretty good....i have waited since morningrise to see them and i finally did...i wonder if i hyped them up too much in my head because i was a tad bit confused...i was expecting a bit more...but overall i thought it was one of THE BEST shows i have been to in years....the clean sung parts were absolutely amazing but the heavier parts didn't sound that heavy, but i blame the sound dudes......my only complaints were that they seemed to be playing the songs at an quicker pace and that the sound at laga blew....

tapping the vein were not that great and paradise lost...well...here is another band that decided to experiment in the last eight years, but i think they are experimenting with a big turd because it sounds like shit.....

ps. for future laga shows.....after many shows there i have found that if you want to hear the best sound you need to stand by the sound board directly in the middle of the room. i swear to god that this is the best sound in the whole place....even if you have to keep an eye out for a moshing douchebag
I missed tapping the vein and actually wanted to see them.

The paradise lost i know is an album like Gothic and earlier.
I think they could make it to a local pa station like the x but they suk.

The sound could have been A LOT better.
And for a band like opeth I expected a true stage presence not 4 colored lights and redundant use of a cheap star effect.

I expected smoke lasers and spooky trees!
They did a very good job and seemed to really enjoy playing in the burgh.
They kept the crowd enthusiasm high imo.

As for moshing thats cool just dont land on me or step on me.
And the idiot that made it on stage twice, you are a moron.
Did it hurt when that huge dude shoved you the first time?
I'm kinda glad you didn't learn your lesson. Was it cold outside?

It was a diversion from my TOE (total opeth experience) lol.
so was that dumb girl drowning out the singing many times.

yea so i thought the show started out awesome! and all band members were happy as could be.

Pisses me off that they didnt hang out with the crowd more...i left a few minutes after demon of the fall.

All in all was a good show..I expected more but eh...

They really needed to be at metropol. I saw dreamtheater there and it was amazing.

So how profitable is this tour?
Anyone have a vid of the show or a recording! please!!!!!

oh one more thing...they played pittsburgh then shot up to toronto only to head for ohio! that would suk!
Waiting for Opeth was pretty boring.. I didnt really like either of the bands before them. I was interested as i saw boobs walk onto the stage, but then when i heard her sing i looked away. I was on the right edge of the stupid moshing. At first i could see everyone perfectly from maybe 10 feet away, but then once the assholes started I could only see mikael and peter... I just looked up at the screens for the times that i wanted to see more. Then my friends left cause one was dizzy and i was alone for a few songs and got pushed over even more. Then the dude standing in between me and the mosh pit moved away and i felt uncomfortable.. but one of my friends came and took me to the side which was a pretty great view, just didnt have as much sound quality.

As soon as i walked in I wanted to steal the big O... hmm...
a couple more things to add... Did anyone notice martins hair getting stuck on the tuners of his bass? I remember thinking that it could happen late in the show and then it did... And after the show me and my friends were waiting at the bottom of the steps looking out the door for our ride, and i said something about watching out for bunnies and the elevator opened and tapping the vein walked out... I didnt really care much =-p... We left right when it happened anyways. It would have been awesome if Opeth walked out instead...
The show was great. TTV and Paradise Lost weren't as bad as people make them seem, and in TTV's defence, the singer was ill.

Opeth came out and everything was dandy, until the entire center became a mosh pit. So I spent the first 3 songs protecting my girlfriend from being sucked in.

She got a bit dizzy so we walked over to the bathroom, where it was alot cooler and was a better view.

Peter looks alot better in person, I may say.

Bleak shouldn't be played live, it just doesnt sound right. Advent and A Fair Judgement were awesome though, and Mike's vox at the beginning of Demon were almost scary.

Powrslave : When he got pushed off I'm pretty sure his head smacked the pillar, which was great, he was stimbling around for a while after that.
i am sorry but my favorite non opeth parts was when that douchebag in the emperor shirt that was the first to get kicked was being escorted out and he was seriously fighting with the security gaurd in front of me..and the security gaurd just picked him up and carried him........
Originally posted by Parasite
The show was great. TTV and Paradise Lost weren't as bad as people make them seem, and in TTV's defence, the singer was ill.

I agree, I thought they made good openers. Tapping the Vein was better than I'd expected, and their set was a good length. At least their singer was nice to everyone... I liked Paradise Lost's sound, but after a few songs they got a bit boring. Either way, I wouldn't say either of them sucked.
If anyone has the entire show videoed i'd appreciate seeing TTV.

I hope the dude is alright but come on...what if he flew up there and hit an opeth member which resulted in an injury and cancelling a show.

I say have a good time but consider that the stage is SMALL!

not a lot of run around room

kinda weird looking at opeth backdrop the whole time while other bands played...
Heh, the woman from Tapping the Vein is remarkably short. She came up to my chin when she walked through the crowd, and I'm only 5'7". She also was wearing high-heeled boots.
Originally posted by Parasite
Bleak shouldn't be played live, it just doesnt sound right.

Man.....I thought Bleak sounded really good?! Overall, I thought it was a great show. Not much in the way of special effects, but they're not really necessary, as their music pretty much stands on it's own.

How many people do you estimate were there? The band had to be happy with the turnout/response.