Opeth videos

I can give them to your over soulseek if you want, or AIM or ICQ.

I have Windowpane and Harvest and some live performance on Swedish TV which is good quality.

All 3 of these videos are great quality, like the DVD.

I wouldn't mind sending them to you.

AIM: darkravenls
ICQ: 52187011
Soulseek: dhein

: )
Videos I have

Windowpane (MTV)
Harvest (BWP Disk 2)
To Rid the Disease (Swedish morning show, TV4)
In My Time of Need (Swedish morning show, TV4)
The Drapery Falls (Bootlegmania)
Demon of the Fall (Bootlegmania)
Forest of October (Bootlegmania)
Opeth Guitar Lesson (part 1 and 2, Guitar.com)
Deliverance (live in Paris)
Advent (excerpt)

Full Concerts
Live at Inferno Fest, Norway 2003
Live in Floriday 2000
Live in Fou-Founes Montreal 2001
Live at Witchwood 1996 (great early recording)
Live in New Mason Jar, Phx 2001
Live at Hultsfred 2003

MSN Messenger: beer_drinker86@hotmail.com
Soulseek: shroudofdusk

Feel free to contact me about any of these. I prefer to trade... but I make exceptions.