

vote bnp
Feb 13, 2003
What's with the static from regulars of this forum towards the Opeth one? Is it serious, or are you just having a laugh?

Just pondering, as there doesn't seem to be a particularly obvious reason for it.
Op...........?!?!? *covers face with hands and runs screaming to the opposite direction*
i mean the band is great (a bit arrogant though), but you forum guys are just totally fucked up :p

it was when the board was split up into two subsections. i found that totally useless, and more and more ppl came there, so i lost the overview about it. plus, i had more time on my hands back then.
well you all know it already, but anyway: i don't like the band (opeth), but i like posting on some of the threads on the c/ot forum. it's true that some are idiotic and others are pure spam, but it keeps me entertained. :)

some friction might derive from a few users from this board thinking that band forums should be less spam-intensive, like this one. my personal opinion is that different boards just answer different needs, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the opeth board per se only because this one's different.

i'm almost sure noone is taking this thing seriously anyway.
Running away screaming from Opeth? I don't know... In my opinion, at least, Projector and Deliverance are the greatest death metal albums ever recorded. Both bands are among my Top 5 absolute favorites. Mikael Stanne and Mikael Akerfeldt are equally impressive and subtle vocalists. They record beautiful and emotional songs, put their hearts into them, and have released consistently excellent albums over the years.

I don't understand why so often the very best representatives of any genre have to fight each other. Or not so much the representatives themselves, as their fans. There's so much crap out there, and yet for some reason there has to be this running scorn of Opeth by DT fans, and vice-versa. Same for Symphony X and Savatage fans. Or Fates Warning and Dream Theater. That often goes for fans of certain cult filmmakers too (in case anyone knows what I'm referring to, remember that boy calling himself "magnolia fan" in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back?) I simply fail to understand the need for these conflicts. People get irritated, alienate each other, and to what purpose?
I'm a big fan of Opeth - actually I think they are the second best band on earth. I came to the Opeth-forum long before the DT-forum came to UM and enjoyed discussing all kinds of things with the relatively few people there. I remember even posting a "4000th post on this forum" -thread once I had been there for a month or so. After another month, there were 40 000 posts on that forum; most of them boring and repeating the topics that had been discussed already. That's about when I lost my interest to the Opeth-forum. Not to the band, though. The dividing of the forum helped very little.

I'm happy this forum has remained like it is; and my hat goes off to Rahvin, who's most guilty of keeping it that way.

true what villain said. i don't quite get what the chat/off-topic should be good for. if you want to have 50 people browsing a forum while you are online, then why not switch to an irc channel instead? considering the mass of threads and how long they remain discussed... that would be a better place methinks.
DT > Opeth


Rahvin. :)
I really like Opeth, but really haven't considered posting there. I heard alot of stories. :p
Well, i kinda like Opeth, they used to be my favourite band, but i've lost interest in them since a long time now. I started from the Opeth forum too, but then i thought this was a better place and stayed here.
What i don't like about Opeth as a band, is that they seem to be a bit arrogant. I think that they could do a lot better stuff if they just would put a little more work into it. Also they seem to be repeating the same old formula music and lyric-wise (i say this without having listened to the latest 2 albums).
As for the forum, i can't keep up with the speed, i don't like the "we listen to Opeth, omg we're so unique" kinda attitude of the members, and the intelligence level of some of the off/topic threads. (yes, i have no interest in tits ;))