Opethist From Tunisia

Shadow Of Opeth

Opeth Saved Me From Death
Hello every Body here!
By the simple fact of beeing finaly at Opeth's Forum, i'm feeling better with all these Opeth fans!

Something About me:
I discovered Opeth at 1998 With Orchid(1994) and until today, Opeth play in my head phone daily at least Two ours!

Opeth saved me from death: The prévious december i got some psycho troubles, and was to kill my self, i don't know how i putted Windowpane, And Hop, every think re-started in my life! I was born for the second time, a new life: and the first sound i heared in my life was Opeth!
So i live with opeth, it's like to be my coke, i can't get a day without :
The advent
Demon of the fall
Black water park

I have all Opeth album, lives, interviews! My rome is with a big graphity of Opeth logo, in front of the door , when you enter!.....(a tatoo of that in my left arm, :p)
Here in Tunisia, we are at least pretty 5000 loving Opeth! We have an Opeth League!

Four my personal, metal carriere, i played Bass with a True Black Metal Band (2003-2007), I have my personal project of Brutal Death Metal ( The Burning Legion) Where i register everythink alone!

I will share some links the next time!


PS: I'm a little bit:mad::waah: disopointed from Watershed !

OK it a music, but not Opeth's Metal!