Opinion on band popularity etc

I have no problem with bands getting mainstream. Your band usually starts off as a means of enjoyment and because you love to make music, you can hold down a 'normal' job and still do the odd gig and even tour. But once there's a demand for your band, you can't keep that job and have to find someway of making your money, so the band becomes your job and you need to earn from it. If your cash is coming from 15 minute fans, so be it I guess. I'm sure if the bands had a problem with becoming overnight successes (we all know which ones I mean) they could refuse to endorse the merchandise, make appearences etc. regardless of contracts if it meant that much to them.

I'm not saying it doesn't annoy me when you get 'wannabes' whatever who are suddenly -insert band name-'s biggest fan just because a video gets shown on a mainstream station. Face it, you only have to look at the 'Story' thread to see how much this type of fan pisses people off. But using Nightwish as an example, although a majority of the people who like them now, will find the novelty wears off within a year, some will stick around and take an interest in the bands linked to Nightwish, the bands who influenced them and even others on the label.

Everyone on this forum, everyone who is into whatever genre(s) of music, has to have a 'starter' band no matter how undergound or how ever much of a sell out. If we didn't, there'd be no one for these bands to keep on playing for in the first place.
I just bothered to actually read the stuff on the SoB forum, it just seems to be people getting pissy that it's 12 year olds who may wear a CoB t-shirt if they get a mention on MTV. So long as they enjoy the music, I'd prefer to see a 12 year in CoB t-shirt rather than Slipknot or Korn one or whatever. Maybe these people are just pissed off over it because when THEY were 12 they didn't know of any metal bands, thus had no t-shirts to show for it. :zipit:

Around 12/13 is the age you start to figure out the person you really are, and personally, I would rather have the next generation be a mass of metalheads rather than a handful getting a hard time. Besides, HOW is a kid of that age going to have been able to be a Bodom fan from the start? People around my age (19) are into stuff like Maiden/ Sabbath whatever, the usual older bands, and don't get shit for not being there for the very first gig/ CD. Yeah, it bugs the shit out of me when you get people who only like bands because they're the latest Kerrang darlings, but these clingers get over it after a little while and a few stick around.

What's the point in getting into a band if you're going to get crappy just because '0migZ' someone you don't approve of is wearing the t-shirt? The people on the SoB board are acting as if CoB has only just had a video aired. I can't stand MTV, the reason I can't stand it is because it's full of shit. On the extremely rare occassions something like CoB is used as a backtrack to an advert, people have seizures. Not that I would like to see this happen, but if MTV constantly played metal, no one would have a problem with this, yet when they try it's the end of the world.

Face it, even without MTV metal is becoming more and more accessible and to be honest, I'd rather be able to easily buy the CDs of the music I enjoy rather than having to spend 6 months searching for it on an import just because only 500 were printed and only made available in the depths of Peru or something.

Cor, this thread makes me babble. :oops:
well, the biggest problem of a band getting mainstream is that stupid people start listening to it just because it's mainstream
and then they want to discuss about the band

but then, discussing with stupid people who don't know their shit, to me at least, is like having a 12 gauge shotgun blasting fully at my balls :p

ESPECIALLY when it comes to music
so there, that's basically my opinnion :p
the way i see it is that you know i was 13 once and there was that one band that paved my way to where i am now......so i can't really diss anyone unless i know they really are just trendy kids who are wearing bodom shirts because it was the newest shirt at hot topic.... fortunately, though, where i live, the bodom trend hasn't exactly hit yet...... so for the last 2 1/2 years the only people i EVER saw or see wearing bodom shirts are my husband and his friends.....also, i think you know it's great that CoB is getting more exposure and more recognition for their talent..... and i'll continue to support them even though their vids are being played on Uranium or Headbanger's Ball..... i think the day i'll stop is if their music starts sounding like everything else i painfully have to hear on american radio or television.
I must be honest and tell you that it sucked sharing a Nightwish show with 12 year old girls and their sexual fantasies with Tuomas. But since I was focused on what was happening on stage, it was all good:)

Plus, NW made me watch 5 mins of MTV everyday for a few weeks... hehe. I actually liked seeing them there.
haha it depends on the whole situation,...... the majority of ppl in usa still are not all about cob so im fine and if they all of a sudden are all like WE LOVE COB
I will just stop wearing cob shirrts HAHAHAA
Meh, I agree with stuff being said here, but so long as a band carries on making music you enjoy, why make yourself hate them just because of the fans? I agree with Cris about the Tuomas kids, that's part of the reason why I didn't rush to get a ticket for Nightwish this time around. But if the bands didn't want these fans, they would stay in a dark soundproof room and never tell anyone they existed.

Even the most kvlt/ obscure/ underground band is at risk of becoming an MTV star as soon as they do something to share thier music if it happens at the right place, at the right time and seen by the right people... or wrong depending your view on this. :p
I don't care about anything people think as long as they don't come shoving it to my face and trying to make me think the way they do. If someone gets pissed off because of a band getting "too mainstream", go ahead, none of my business. If someone is a "poser" wearing "tr00 black metal" shirts and listening to Justin Timberlake, go ahead, none of my business.

As long as you don't bother me, I don't care what you do.
As for me, it is a big difference between popularity within metalheads and popularity within all people on the Earth. And I think we have onle few metal bands who are popular within all people...
I saw a grade 8 kid here wearing a Hatecrew Deathroll shirt. Our town is so small I was really exicited, and I went to talk to him about them...he was with two of his friends. I said 'Soo, you're a Children Of Bodom fan eh?' and he replied..'Uhhh, yeah.' And I asked what his favorite album was, and his friend was like...'Lake Bodom'. I was really unhappy...and he kept saying that the song Lake Bodom from the album Lake Bodom was the best song evar!@! So I kinda figured it out...not real fans :( It was really gayyy.
As long as a band doesn't sacrifice their sound (read: turn into utter shit), then I don't really have a problem with popularity. Though I doubt Bodom would ever consider going that route with their music, I don't think I'd want to see them with a bunch of screaming girls... lol.
Meh, every band has their 12 year old fangirls, no big deal to me, as long as Nightwish doesn't employ a rapper and a dj I don't care.