Opinion on rough mix please


Sep 19, 2009
I'm currently working on EQing this project, my band. I'm having a hell of a time. I've tried throwing some EQ adjustments (minor in some cases) on the master buss.

This mix is the closest I've gotten to sounding right. This is raw punk band, I'm not going for a polished sound, but I don't want to hurt ears either. The mixes sound decent on my KRKs, but in the car is another story

This is where I started

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324982/15-Yard Sale-NOV23-MASTERTEST.mp3

This is the next step

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324982/Yard Sale-NOV24-EQChange.mp3

This is where I am right now

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324982/Yard Sale-NOV24-EQChange-2.mp3

Any suggestions, especially in frequency control woudl be great.
Just joined the site.

Listening to all 3 through my KRKs I have to say I prefer the 2nd version. The last one has too much low end.
I am no expert, thats why I joined here to get advice lol
Just wanted to give you my opinion. Cool tune btw