opinion on the new Maiden album

I've only listened to a few songs, but they sounded all right to me. Much better than the repulsive "A Matter of Life and Death." That was so bad I never listened to "Final Frontier."
I listened to the album once. My first reaction as the opening song started playing was "Wow, this is really good!" Six minutes later I said "Why is this song still going?" Second song is a pathetic attempt to show that they can still "rock" when it's obvious they are better at writing long boring songs nowadays. There are occasional highlights throughout the rest of the album but I can't remember which songs they were.

EDIT: Right after posting this Praying Mantis - "Fight For Your Honour" randomly started playing, reminding me that I've already spent way to much time thinking about the new Maiden.
I listened to the album once. My first reaction as the opening song started playing was "Wow, this is really good!" Six minutes later I said "Why is this song still going?" Second song is a pathetic attempt to show that they can still "rock" when it's obvious they are better at writing long boring songs nowadays. There are occasional highlights throughout the rest of the album but I can't remember which songs they were.

EDIT: Right after posting this Praying Mantis - "Fight For Your Honour" randomly started playing, reminding me that I've already spent way to much time thinking about the new Maiden.

yep...the new Praying Mantis is light years a head of the new Maiden.
I like it.
Much more enjoyable than I expected it to be.
No. It's not perfect and it's not without flaws.

The Red and the Black might be my fav "new millennium" Maiden tune.
Not as good as TXF & the 80s. Better than TFF, DOD, NPFTD & FOTD. On par with VXI, BNW & AMOLAD. Nowhere near the classic Silicon Messiah and Tenth Dimension albums.

Red and the Black is the classic.

Getting more enjoyment from the Mad Max covering Mad Max album. Rolling Thunder :worship:
I don't understand a word of what you just said.

Try reading in Yoda's voice then.

Ok. The Book of Souls is good. Not as good as early efforts, the first Blaze and Blaze solo. But it is better than some reunion efforts and around the same level of quality as others.

The Mad Max is quite a surprise.
Try reading in Yoda's voice then.

Ok. The Book of Souls is good. Not as good as early efforts, the first Blaze and Blaze solo. But it is better than some reunion efforts and around the same level of quality as others.

The Mad Max is quite a surprise.

wait so they basically just re-recorded the classic album...I love Mad MAx...the last album was not that good though.
I'm not sure there is a legitimate reason to listen to new Iron Maiden when there is old Iron Maiden to listen to. Their material since 2000 has been at best questionable. To spend 60+ minutes of your time to come away with only 10-11 quality ones seems like a bit of a waste.
Posting on this forum is as effective as pissing in the wind.
That being said, people bother with Maiden because they are Maiden. Period.

They are an institution onto themselves where no matter what they do folks will give it a shot.
Posting on this forum is as effective as pissing in the wind.
That being said, people bother with Maiden because they are Maiden. Period.

They are an institution onto themselves where no matter what they do folks will give it a shot.

True. But I'd rather hear something that kicked ass that I didn't know then listen to a band with a track record that once was good but has gone south. For a long time.

I usually think to myself, 'If I didn't know who this was then would I care?'

IMO, if you took away the logo and guys names...would people really care?
It's ok. Nowhere near as good as the early feedback, but nowhere near as bad as the more recent popular opinion.

I like AMOLAD and fucking hate BNW.

I agree with all of this except for hating BNW. It's their second best new album after AMOLAD. This one is probably third. Way overhyped. Like I've been saying, I really think people are desperate for the new Maiden to be great but it's really nothing special. That said, I give them credit compared to most older bands, because at least they're not just going through the motions.