Opinions: Flotsam and Jetsam - The Cold

I liked it very much. Having been a fan of these guys for many years, I think this is one of their stronger albums. I used to have the first four albums on cassette, the last record I really enjoyed the hell out of was Quatro.

Hypocrite!!! Hypocrite!!! yeah I gotta get this one for sure. thanks for posting!

Just for S&G:

And a long time fave of mine:

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I thought it is an excellent album. I really havent been impressed with anything they've done since No Place until this. Nice return to quality song writing
I haven't heard much of the new album but I know something for sure....At 50% of their live show dates he will either say he ate too much pussy or smoked to much pot and it fucked up voice. That asshole said that at all 4 shows I attended over the years.

He's also one unfriendly lil' fucker.

I miss Kelly David Smith. He had a really unique style.

Sorry for my random thoughts...