Opinions of SW?


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
Has anyone recieved less than favourable responses from people that have heard the band? Sure not everybody will instantly like what they hear but here's something that bothered me:

A few months ago I was with a buddy riding around and I popped in "Mercy Falls" to make a believer out of him... After Tommy's voice hit his ears (specifically his tracked backing vocals), he told me he didn't like it cause he thought it sounded "too much like a boy band". I wanted to slam his face into the wheel after that remark.

Sure it's just an opinion but somehow it got to me. I made him almost shit himself a day later when I hooked my mp3 player to his head phones and unleashed Biomechanical's "Cannibalised" on his ass. :D
Yes I know about such opinions, but I heard them only from "hardcore death listeners" and it's a kind of statement from them, never to listen something with clear vocals.
All the others like it, also people who don't listen to any metal usually. Mostly I hear a "sounds great, who is this"!
I really have not had a similar reaction from anyone when I presented them with SW, but I certainly understand the reaction you described.

Metal fans can be unbelievably open-minded or frustratingly close minded and clean vocals can be a major turn off for some. I know plenty of people who have no tolerance for clean vocals in their metal. When I was a metal youngin' I had a strong dislike for clean vocals. Thankfully, I have outgrown such stupidity and find a strong vocalist like Tommy as just another instrument within a band's arsenal of weapons.