Opinions on the Mesa/Boogie 2:100 Power amp and 2:90

I'm strongly considering purchasing a Mesa/Boogie 2:100 Power amp to go with a Boss GT-PRO unit that I plan on purchasing as well. I see a lot of people suggesting the 2:90, but the 2:100 seems to be a little more up to date with features and options. I just want to know anyones opinion on it and if they've tried both power amps.

i had a 2:90 back in the day for my pod pro, worked great, but had to let it go due to college financial issues. Haven't tried the 2:100, but I don't think you could go wrong with either....
I wish I had the option to A/B them, but thats not the case. Thats usually my method of doing things. Unfortunately, no place around here in Memphis TN has it from what I can see...that and I plan on getting the 2:100 if I do off of eBay.

I also need to get the Boss Unit, then a power amp, and a cab to test it all out...it kind of blows lol.
haha yeah indeed..

Personally I don't know the 2:100, but I just read that it's the same as a Rectifier poweramp, and personally I don't like the Rectifier (the lows and hi-mids).. but hey, with another preamp..hmm..

2:90 > tested a friend's 2:90 with my Engl580 preamp (I have an Engl930/60 poweramp with that myself) and it was tight, a bit brown-ish with great punch (tested it on a standard 1960A cab, got an Engl4x12ss cab myself). Tho I thought my Engl poweramp sounded 'bigger', more lows/lower punch.

hmm.. don't know if this helps..

good luck anyway!!
Yeah I know its tried and true...I've just read about how there are issues with tubes though. Selections and stuff...and that the 2:100 has more abilities.

I think with it being a power amp, it wouldn't make as much of a difference to give it a rectifier sound. If it were a preamp...that'd be another thing...right?