Opinons on replacement pick-ups


Nov 18, 2003
Your mother
Here's the deal, I've been playing a B.C.Rich Beast for a few years now, and keep running into tone issues, especially when pulling harmonics. So I'm having the thing gutted, and I'm looking for opinons on what pickups to plop in it. Tone wise, I'd like a thick sound that holds bass, but allows easy harmonics. A tech out this way recommended I put EMG 81/85's in there, but I'm not too hot on active's. Anyone have any luck with something different?
EMG passives, Seymour Duncan JB/Distorition/Invader etc etc Dimarzio, or then there are a load of small companies like Bareknuckle pickups (.com) - the Mircale Man by them is sposed to be good.
Esh...I would recommend a Duncan Invader if you like passive electronics. A friend of mine has one at his bridge in his Schecter C-1 Classic, and it's amazing, you can nail some pretty nice pinch harmonics. Of course, I am also going to recommend that you check out the Seymour Duncan Live Wire Heavy Metal active bridge, because that's what I have in my BC Rich Warlock, and I love it. The downside: TWO 9v batteries, but it is well worth it, this pickup has the highest output of basically all others on the market, of course, no one will agree, because no one else has tried it, but either way, those are two REALLY good choices, and the Duncan Screamin Demon is pretty good as well.
Thanks guys, I've actually settled on EMG 81/85 actives. (zw set up) I figured f' it, I might as well go the 9v route, because I've heard they have the most response.

@Crunch: Damn dude, you're like right in my back yard. I live just north of Baltimore. GO MURLEND!