Optomism, Pessimism, Realism.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Is it me, or is it that EVERY man in America is obsessed with being a realist and "telling it like it is?"

These people claim that they are realists by not looking at the world through rose colored lenses, but are they realists? Aren't they just pessimists who fool themselves into thinking they're real? If you look at such people, you'll notice they are almost ALWAYS negative and pessimistic. They're the first to comment on how you have a bad shooting ability, but they'd never mention how good you are at slam dunks. A true realist would make room for the positive AND the negative.

Are people really interested in "being real", or are they more interested in looking cool and giving themselves an ego handjob? Face it. "Telling it like it is" is major league BORING! It takes very little effort to point out all the bad things about a person. The real challange is pointing out the good things about a person as well. Why? Because we humans are a bunch of selfish fucks who love to dwell on the negative.
Agreed, Belial.

A true realist is not pessimist - rather he has more optomistic qualities.
They realize that YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN LIFE.
The true realist lives in the grey area and just lives.
They use common sense as a basis of human emotion and recognize that everyone has a choice.

I too am tired of seeing so-called realists 'tell it like it is' and end up in the gutter. They paint themselves into their own corner with their own brush... and end up giving their life control to external forces which you must learn to confront and spit in their eye.

You wanna true realist? Read interviews with Trey Azagthoth of Morbid Angel. He is about the most down-to-earth person I have ever seen (and met.)
Too lazy to read other posts, I rarely am too lazy to do so, but this time I am, so i'll just reply to the topic:

I consider myself a realist, and sometimes i'm more pessimistic. I know the world is naturally pretty crazy, and a lot of people are idiots, a lot of people are violent. But most people I think just want to be successful (However it is they view that, some want to be rich, some want to have a family, some want to be famous, some want to make art, whatever) So I know most people are just trying to succeed in life, some are just asses, I don't know what I am, but I generally have a good outlook on life. I try to look on the brighter side of things when it's about a half and half chance, I don't buy lottery tickets and expect to win.
Na, realism can seem like pesims, it depends entirely on the person and his attitute towards the world. True realism is a dream because we humans tend to let our personal opinions and preconceptions influence our judgement of facts ( realism is looking only at the facts without making a judgement ). Optimistic people let one side of the balance influence what they say and pessimistic people does so too. And because all humans do this there is almost the same ammount of optimism and pesimism but true realism is a weird animal. I am a pessimist cause i enjoy putting a personal spin in the crap i say but if i wanted to i could try to stay closer to realism, i just choose not to. So either lets stop flaming the pessimist or lets start flaming the optimism too because they are guilty of the same stupidity that you talk about when you attack pessimism.
this is a good topic. and i DEFINATELY fall into the negative selfish prick category. i don't enjoy it, i don't want to be this way, i just am. if i could change anything about myself, this would be it. i can't even put my finger on when i became so negative. was it a series of events in my life that brought me to be this way? my environment? i don't know. but if anyone knows of an inexpensive cure let me know!:mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: